Sluggish Solidworks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JKimmel, Oct 16, 2006.

  1. JKimmel

    JKimmel Guest

    I'm looking for suggestions on how to regain my SW performance. I'm
    running SW 2006 SP5.0. I have a brand new dell precision with a 1.6 ghz
    Xeon dual processor and 4 gb of memory with the 3gb switch on. My video
    card is a Quadro FX3500. I was shocked when I ran ship in a bottle 50
    iterations with a time of 43 seconds. My old computer was doing it in
    less than 20 seconds. What could be the problem?

    J Kimmel

    "Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." - When you have
    their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow.
    JKimmel, Oct 16, 2006
  2. JKimmel

    TOP Guest

    What version of SW were you running on the old computer?
    Are the options the same?
    Dual processor and lots of memory aren't going to help SIB much, it is
    raw cpu power there with a fast graphics card.

    For starters run your graphics quality all the way up and then all the
    way down and test it both ways. If the bottle neck is graphics it will
    show up there.

    How many processes do you have running in task manager?

    Are you sure you have the right graphics driver? Some years back we saw
    Dells ship with less than stellar graphics drivers. We saw almost
    double the performance on the right driver.

    Have you checked the logs for errors?
    TOP, Oct 17, 2006
  3. JKimmel

    JKimmel Guest

    The old computer had an Athlon 64 FX-53 and a Quadro 980XGL and is
    currently running 2006 SP3.

    J Kimmel

    "Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." - When you have
    their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow.
    JKimmel, Oct 17, 2006
  4. JKimmel

    prelude76 Guest

    Simply put, the Xeon chips are a joke. Intel only woke up and started
    performing again with the new Core architecture (Conroe). The FX-53 is
    a lot more powerful than a dual core 1.6 Xeon, especially since
    SolidWorks is not dual-core optimized software. So you're comparing a
    2.4ghz AMD FX core that does a lot more instructions per cycle vs an
    Intel Xeon 1.6ghz. Thats why you're getting a worse score.

    Next time you go to buy a workstation, do a bit of research instead of
    believing what Dell sales team tells you.
    prelude76, Oct 17, 2006
  5. JKimmel

    jimsym Guest

    Since it is a new system with a new FX3500 graphics card, it is most
    likely that the CPU is the 1.6GHz Xeon 5110. This is the entry level
    product in the Xeon 5100 series that is based on the same core
    technology as the Core2 Duo. Clock for clock, Xeon 5100 series CPUs
    are faster than AMD Opterons/Athlons and MUCH faster than previous
    generation Xeon/P4 CPUs.

    Still, the 5110 is the very bottom of the line and dog slow. The ship
    in a bottle benchmark scores are exactly what you should expect from
    this processor - comparable to a P4 2.6-2.8 GHz or Opteron/Athlon at
    1.8 GHz.

    The 2.33GHz Xeon 5140 would be about the same as the 2.4GHz FX53 and
    either the 2.6GHz Xeon 5150 or the 3.0GHz Xeon 5160 would be quite a
    bit faster. You could pop either of these CPUs into your system for an
    instant performance fix. Your vendor might even give you a little -
    very little - credit for trading in the 5110.

    Next time, consider a system with a single 2.66GHz Core2 Duo E6700 (or
    whatever is second fastest in the Core2 lineup at the time of
    purchase.) It's faster than any dual core AMD processor on the market
    and a terrific value. The Core2 Extreme X6800 is faster, but also much
    more expensive. Quad core processors will be available for the Core2
    platform in mid-November. The only reason to opt for Xeon platform is
    if you need 8-way processing or more than 4GB RAM.
    jimsym, Oct 17, 2006
  6. JKimmel

    JKimmel Guest

    I'm just disappointed that the new computer is half the speed of the two
    year old one. I don't know if I can live with that.

    J Kimmel

    "Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." - When you have
    their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow.
    JKimmel, Oct 17, 2006
  7. JKimmel

    JKimmel Guest

    I upgraded my 1.6 ghz Xeon dual processor to a 3.2 ghz Xeon dual
    processor. Ship in a bottle times still vary between 40 and 50 seconds.
    I was expecting under 20 seconds. The old computer, an Athlon 64
    FX-53, gets under 30 seconds on ship in a bottle, and performs better in
    most other solidworks processes. I think the new computer does
    animation better, though.

    Every part of this computer is faster than the old one. Why don't the
    benchmarks show this? What else might be wrong?

    J Kimmel

    "Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." - When you have
    their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow.
    JKimmel, Nov 27, 2006
  8. JKimmel

    TOP Guest

    An upgrade would have been an FX60 and a new motherboard. Dual core and
    double the speed of the FX53.
    TOP, Nov 28, 2006
  9. JKimmel

    matt Guest

    Benchmarks imply equal settings. You haven't mentioned your settings on
    either box. Verification on rebuild? Software ogl? Image quality?
    Display mode? Here's how settings can affect ship in a bottle scores:

    Hypersonic Aviator FX7 (laptop)
    AMD X2 4800+ (dual core)
    2 Gb RAM
    nVidia Quadro Go FX1400

    HI LO (image quality)

    27.2 21.1 edges shown
    26.1 20.5 no edges
    27.5 21.2 wireframe (not shaded)
    27.5 21.4 hlr (not shaded)
    27.7 21.4 hlg (not shaded)
    21.2 19.0 (graphics window not showing)

    Boxx Technologies 3200
    AMD FX57 (single core)
    3 Gb RAM
    nVidia Quadro4 3450

    HI LO (image quality)

    24.4 18.2 edges shown
    23.4 17.5 no edges
    26.4 18.5 wireframe (not shaded)
    27.3 18.9 hlr (not shaded)
    25.3 19.2 hlg (not shaded)
    18.5 15.8 (graphics window not showing)

    Dual core does not fare well, comparatively, on ship in a bottle. The
    ship is not a great simulation for most kinds of real modeling. The two
    machines above are actually pretty similar in rebuild speed for complex
    surface models, although they go about it very differently.

    40-50 seconds is pretty slow. Is this a homebuilt system? Did you just
    upgrade the processors? What about the mobo? RAM? I've never heard great
    comments about the Xeons. Also, are you talking about real dual
    processor or do you mean dual core?
    matt, Nov 28, 2006
  10. JKimmel

    guynoir Guest

    New computer is a Dell, processor is dual core. Hyperthreading is
    currently on. Memory is 4 gig of ddr2 533mhz. Video is Quadro FX3500
    with SW approved driver. Best time for ship in a bottle is 32 seconds
    with graphics window not showing, up to 50 seconds with "normal"
    performance settings. CPU usage is about 26%, memory usage barely

    2 year old Athlon FX53 best time for ship in a bottle is 20 seconds
    with graphics window not showing, up to about 28 seconds with "normal"
    performance settings. Processor pegs at 100%.

    Rebuilding a complex part takes 15 seconds on the new computer and 7
    seconds on the old one.

    Performance otherwise seems sluggish when compared directly with the
    old computer, files take longer to open, rebuilds are slower, it
    crashes more often, but it doesn't seem to be working all that hard.

    Ship in a bottle may not be a good benchmark for normal solidworks use,
    but is there anything better? Even if it isn't a very good benchmark,
    I would still expect this computer to perform better.

    Thanks for your help,

    John Kimmel
    guynoir, Nov 28, 2006
  11. JKimmel

    TOP Guest

    We haven't seen a lot of benchmarking on the new Core2 technology.
    Intel does know how to make processors that perform better at lower
    clock speeds but they have ended up in laptops. The Centrino my boss
    has is about comparable to my FX53. But there isn't a P4 in the house
    that can hold a candle to it.

    What this whole thing suggests is:

    1. That performance technology is still at something of a plateau as
    far as SW is concerned.

    2. You can't buy on brand name or labeling. Xeon means so many things
    that it has become meaningless. AMD at least has given a new name to
    each new processor technology whereas Xeon is just a valuable (to
    Intel, no the customer) marketing label.
    TOP, Nov 28, 2006
  12. JKimmel

    matt Guest

    From what I've read and heard from other folks, and from what your 26%
    seems to be saying, I would ditch the hyperthreading. If 2 processors
    don't help that much, 4 help even less.

    Sounds like Anna has good advice about the Xeons. I don't know much
    about the newer Intel processors, but I did have a P4 w/ hyperthread for
    a short time before I sent it back and got an AMD. I had pretty much the
    same experience as you are having now. Hyperthreading could not be
    turned off without reinstalling the OS. Might have been a bios problem,
    but I was working with the mfgr on it, and they could not make it
    happen. Could have been that there were limited bios choices for that mobo.

    Top also has good advice about the Intel/AMD thing. AMD has been the top
    chip for SW for a while, although the newer Intels have made some gains
    I'm not on top of. The biggest bang for the buck these days would
    probably still be the AMD X2 4800+. The fx60 is no bargain, although it
    is fast, it has been priced at a premium. I've seen that Dell is
    offering AMD in some boxes now.
    matt, Nov 28, 2006
  13. JKimmel

    Brian Guest

    There is a lot of overhead as far as windows is concerned managing a
    single threaded process into a dual core/processor situation. It often
    outweighs the benefits of the additional processing power. Try opening task
    manager, selecting the processes tab, right click the solidworks process,
    choose "set affinity" and de-select one of your two cores (does not matter
    which) . This is a session only setting, so next time solidworks is started
    it will revert back to using both cores. I'm willing to bet that your
    benchmark times improve.

    I usually leave mine set up to use both cores. But when I am doing
    something that I know is going to be processor intensive, I'll switch it
    over to single for speed. There are utilities available that will
    automatically run a selected processor in single core mode, should you
    prefer it that way all the time.
    Brian, Nov 28, 2006
  14. JKimmel

    jimsym Guest

    Anna Wood wrote:
    You say it is
    Anna is correct (as usual). The new 5100 series Xeons don't even
    support Hyperthreading. HT was a NetBurst architecture feature.

    A 2.33 GHz Xeon 5140 would be about the same as or slightly faster than
    your old FX53 - and yield the benefits of dual core processing (minor
    for SolidWorks, major for PhotoWorks and COSMOSWorks.) A 2.66 GHz 5160
    or 3.0 GHz 5160 would be significantly faster.

    Pricing (from Dell) for the 5140, 5150 & 5160 is currently $609, $869
    and $1279 respectively. The 5110 cost $349 and the 5060 cost $479,
    maybe Dell will credit you on the old chips.

    (This goes to show that you may not always get what you pay for, but
    you ALWAYS pay for what you get.)

    Don't worry about the memory. 553MHz DDR2 is just fine. Uprading to
    667Mhz would only improve performance by 3-4%. It would have been a
    better choice on the initial order, but it's not worth replacing it
    jimsym, Nov 28, 2006

  15. One of my colleagues had similar problems with a new Dell 690. When he first
    set it up, it was slower than his old computer. He eventually gave up on it
    and gave it to one of our IT guys to see if he could get it working better.
    After a long time working with Dell, it eventually came back and is about
    twice as fast as the old one, an Athlon XP2800+ (2.08 GHz). No one is quite
    sure what the original problem was or what fixed it.

    He has a Xeon 5160 3.0 GHz processor.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 29, 2006
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