SLS Metal Parts Direct from 3D Solid

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo Clawson, Jul 2, 2004.

  1. Bo Clawson

    Bo Clawson Guest

    I'm looking at using 3D Systems Vanguard SLS (Selective Laser
    Sintering) process for making injection mold cavity inserts for
    preliminary part production. At one time a few years ago the
    tolerances and finishes weren't so good. Now I understand they are
    far better, but all I have is that relative term "better".

    My parts to make are all curved surfaces with virtually no flats
    anywhere, and making EDM electrodes even gets to be a bitch. I need a
    5 axis mill, or break up the solid into parts for various electrodes.
    SLS offers the chance to get the cavity direct, PLUS: INTEGRAL
    WATERLINES COME FOR FREE (well, free if I design them into the cavity

    I'm excited about the possibilities, but need more info.

    1. Has any SolidWorks users hear-abouts had personal experience
    getting high precision metal parts out of the SLS machines?

    2. What sorts of tolerances and surface finished have you gotten on
    parts under 3" in size?

    3. What types of costs have you seen quoted for the SLS parts from
    service bureau vendors?

    4. Have you used the parts as they come out or have you used them in
    heat-treated form? I am considering the LaserForm A6 material.

    Info from 3D Systems is at:

    Thanks - Bo Clawson
    Bo Clawson, Jul 2, 2004
  2. Bo Clawson

    MM Guest


    Better is a relative term isn't it. About a year ago we had some gears done
    out of SST with a bronze filler. We had to bore the center hole concentric
    with the pitch axis, but they worked OK after that.

    As far as mold cavities/cores, I would suspect you could do something with a
    flat parting line. If it's curvy or stepped, it probably (damn likely) won't
    be accurate enough to shut off. Finding a feature accurate enough to use as
    a datum, to machine the P/L in, is also a problem.

    Like I said, it's been a year. If you decide to go for it, let me know how
    it works.


    MM, Jul 2, 2004
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