Slowdowns after server change

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by CraigT, Jan 3, 2006.

  1. CraigT

    CraigT Guest

    I have had 2 problems with AutoCAD recently. I am on the network side,
    FYI. Both instances involve AutoCAD being installed on the local PC
    and drawings being stored on a file server. The situations are not

    1. We changed the IP address of the file server, but left the name the
    same. Everyone is still able to browse this server, however drawings
    for people on the same subnet as the server are extremely slow to
    open/save and sometimes even get delayed-write errors. Any ideas what
    may be causing this? Is there something in AutoCAD that is trying to
    hold onto the old IP?

    2. We changed servers that the drawings resided on to a completely new
    server, with a new name and a new IP address. The mappings were
    pointed to this new server. However, in AutoCAD, we are seeing extreme
    slowdowns, even when typing in commands. If the drawing is copied
    locally and opened, everything is quick.

    Thanks for the help,

    Craig Thomas
    CraigT, Jan 3, 2006
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