Slow retrieval of assembly

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by dgeesaman, Oct 17, 2006.

  1. dgeesaman

    dgeesaman Guest

    We have about 8 Pro/E users working from a common network drive. No
    Intralink (thank god).

    Beginning last week, one user has found that retrieving an assembly or
    assembly drawing went from about 30s to over 6 minutes. Nothing has
    changed to my knowledge about the workstation or network drive.
    Identically configured workstations retrieve the same files over the
    network at normal speed. His computer has no other known issues.

    I've sort of ruled out network issues since I can browse and 'dir' the
    folders in question at normal speed. Our is used by all and
    is reasonably well pared. I can't find anything new/relevant on PTC

    He's running WF3 build F000. Some of us are running build M030, which
    I'll try installing tomorrow, but I'm interested in any ideas where to
    look and what to look for.

    dgeesaman, Oct 17, 2006
  2. dgeesaman

    John Wade Guest

    If all the other machines pull this file at a decent speed, then odds
    are network hardware.

    Put his machine on a different port on the switch, change his network
    cable, and, if that doesn't fix it, swap his NIC for another users.
    Make sure his network properties aren't throttling him to 10 baseT as
    somethimes people switch their NIC properties by accident.

    Make sure his working directory for trail files, swap, etc is on his
    local machine.

    Set 'trail delay' to be 300 seconds in

    How full is his local drive? if it's more than 75% is put in a bigger
    one. Otherwise defrag it.
    John Wade, Oct 17, 2006
  3. dgeesaman

    dgeesaman Guest

    Thanks for the ideas John. This is definitely specific to his machine
    - my workstation (identical in most ways) took 30s to pull an assembly
    that took 6-1/2 min on his. I'll try retrieval on his workstation from
    other computers on the network too - that should rule out most hardware
    problems since we're on a switched LAN.

    He defragged the driver over lunch; it's below 50% capacity. I'll also
    clear out his trail files - I suspect he may have half a billion of

    I did have a little bit of time to check his network performance
    outside of Pro/E, and it seemed to be 100% fine. But I will take
    damaged hardware into account, but it seems odd that it would manifest
    so intensely in one area (Pro/E retrieval) and not apparent in any
    other way.

    dgeesaman, Oct 17, 2006
  4. dgeesaman

    John Wade Guest

    Okay, well, if you can copy / paste big files to & from your server at
    the same sort of speed from this box as the others, then I guess that
    validates your network. Could be worth comparing his config .pro with
    yours & make sure his working directory isn't on the server?
    John Wade, Oct 18, 2006
  5. dgeesaman

    dgeesaman Guest's are identical. We did a big file copy off the network
    drive (as prep to run the model locally for comparison) and the network
    utilization stayed at/above 10%.

    I did the troubleshooter's cardinal sin and changed two things at once
    - I moved some old trail files (he had trail.txt.560 to trail.txt.1500
    in his startup directory on his hard drive, and a total of 2000 files
    in that folder) and install WF3 build M030. Then things were back to

    Due to the fact that build F000 was working nice and fast until last
    week, I suspect it was the raw number of files on that local folder
    causing the problem and the build update had no effect. I don't think
    it matters anymore which one was causing the problem in any case.

    dgeesaman, Oct 18, 2006
  6. dgeesaman

    dgeesaman Guest

    Oh, and thanks for your help. I find it immensely helpful to have
    another brain storming so as not to miss any big questions before the
    troubleshooting gets detailed.

    dgeesaman, Oct 18, 2006
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