Slow response on keyboard input in Fm Properties

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nev Williams, Jul 3, 2006.

  1. Nev Williams

    Nev Williams Guest

    I have noticed a irritating slow response to keyboard input when selecting a
    dimension and adding a words to a dimension (eg "typ") in fm properties, -
    as you do.
    By time the I have typed the 3rd letter the first is barely showing itself
    in properties text window. Same when backspacing
    Anyone come across this wierdness and more important, a remedy.
    2006 Sp4.1, 2GB Ram, Quadro 4000. (nvidia 77.56 driver)
    Also very slow to bring up dialog when double clicking a dimension in GUI.
    ( I think this is related). The dim arrows kind of flash from black colour
    to green highlight colour, a number of times, before dialog finally comes
    up. It's as though the program is really struggling to communicate with
    Have scanned for viruses, run spybot, adaware etc. reloaded graphics driver,
    disabled, spacepilot driver and any services except those required by

    Have checked all keyboard settings in Control panel, repeat rate etc (all
    set to fast)
    Have opened up word, excel and other windows programs and they all work fine
    and exhibit no problems.
    This seems to be SWX specific.
    Nev Williams, Jul 3, 2006
  2. Nev Williams

    Arlan.Murphy Guest

    I have seen this very same behavior. Unfortunately, in my case, it was
    not repeatable. I never found what caused it, and luckily it only
    happened once or twice.

    Arlan.Murphy, Jul 3, 2006
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