Slow mouse reactions on SW 2006

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by, Feb 6, 2006.


    Cliff Guest

    Probably not much FEA is done on a graphics card.
    Cliff, Feb 14, 2006

    Cliff Guest

    Jb is reliable. You can indeed rely on him.
    For what is the question.
    Cliff, Feb 14, 2006

    Cliff Guest

    Is each viewport a window?
    Cliff, Feb 14, 2006

    Cliff Guest

    Not good for those games & things?
    What was it then?
    Then what are you complaining about?
    Cliff, Feb 14, 2006

    wurz Guest

    Y'know there are moderated forums that you could try - they have one at
    the Solidworks corporate site
    wurz, Feb 14, 2006

    wurz Guest

    ....and there's also

    I fear that you may just get the same answers though. I do agree that
    512MB for running ANSYS is way too small tho' - most FE codes run much
    faster with lots of RAM as they can write the temporary analysis data
    to RAM instead of the disk - much faster.
    wurz, Feb 14, 2006

    TOP Guest

    TOP, Feb 14, 2006
  8. << I for one do not believe that SW users don't have problems with the
    Radeons >>

    And I believe that support news groups are supposed to be about helping
    other and not ranting and raving and getting upset someone getting something
    to work that you claimed doesn't. Isn't if funny how we can both believe
    something and be so wrong? It turns out that Radeon's seem to work fine and
    you are wrong about that and SW news groups are just for loonies like your
    self to try to undermine the help and talk users into over buy to hide SW's
    laziness toward compatibility.

    Still, at the end of the day I have a system that works just as I need it
    for ALL my apps and you have to buy a system for SW and a system for any
    other app you have. Now there is the business model that I want to follow.
    One employee and several computers per and design my whole infrastructure
    around one application. Talk about the tail wagging the dog!
, Feb 14, 2006
  9. << 512MB for running ANSYS is way too small >>

    Definetly. The engineers have more memory and the processor upgrades and
    the other stuff is the same for the most part but I could not yank their
    systems just for a test. I just set this one up so they could test the
    smaller models and FEA projects to make sure all the numbers lined up before
    testing on any computers in the Engineering department.

    The zooming issue was taken care of with a tweak to the OpenGL settings. It
    is unfortunate that rather than offer possible solutions some posters
    immediately turned abusive and are angry that things turned out OK. Rather
    than be glad for someone's success they try to cover up their own bogus
    advice by trying to discredit you.

    Why Roland ( is the post name) even claims to have been
    a SW tech support person and posted that he like to come here to be abusive
    to the masses because he had to be nice when he worked at Solidworks. This
    guy is so insane he demanded to know my name and company I worked for and
    when I would not give it to the nut case he searched years of old messages
    to find it and post it on the forum. Pretty unstable. And he wonder's why
    people don't want to give him their name.
, Feb 14, 2006

    Cliff Guest

    Seemingly not or you'd probably not be whining here.
    The higher end usually works for the lower.
    Cliff, Feb 14, 2006

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Feb 14, 2006
  12. Most of us here believe that. So why don't the two of you stop ranting and
    It would be funny if it weren't so embarrassing to see two people behaving
    so stupidly.
    Well, if you believe that you ought to take your business elsewhere. If you
    would calm down for a while you would find that this is a very helpful group
    with less than normal amounts of flaming. If you treat the people here with
    respect, they will reciprocate.(Almost always, nobody's perfect.)

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 14, 2006

  13. Case in point, read the thread "repairing a save bodies failure". You'll see
    why most of us in this group consider Matt to be a treasure. You could learn
    a lot from him, if you would bother to listen. No doubt we could learn from
    you, but quite a few people aren't listening any more. Lighten up, it's not
    like anyone is going to give you a gold medal for scoring points here.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 15, 2006
  14. Not to be picky about the who thing or to dismiss what Matt may have done
    for you in the past but he was not very helpful for me and started right in
    on being dismissive with a response "you should have known better". I
    believe I have only been here once or twice before years ago so if I just
    caught Matt on a bad day, then that is to bad but even after an informitive,
    non-confrontational response he continued with how I was full of BS when I
    solved my problem and then snowballed from there by him continually trying
    to find fault with me rather than accept that I have found a solution for my
, Feb 15, 2006

    TOP Guest

    I'm not sure what this has to do about Slow Mouse reactions? Are you
    talking about Matt the consultant who you paid bucks to or Matt the guy
    who posts here because, like the rest of us, it is gratifying to help
    people and get the most from SW?
    TOP, Feb 15, 2006

    matt Guest

    I have nothing to gain by getting sucked into this, and no hope that
    anything I post is going to help this fellow. He and his evil twin have
    gained spots on my plonk list, so I won't see/respond to flames.

    Anyway, he seemed to have had this problem before, and has received the
    same advice:
    So, he should have known better than to try it again because he has
    heard it before. Having heard it again, he still doesn't accept it.

    The argument that you have to change graphics cards every year is simply
    wrong. Also suggesting that you can't run other office applications
    with a card that works for SolidWorks is crazy. Tens of thousands of
    people do this sucessfully. Choose a good workstation card and keep on
    top of the drivers. Ive got a 4 year old machine where the low-end card
    Quadro 500 has never been changed, and never been an issue. The
    computer industry changes fast, and staying with one non-recommended
    card is inexcusable, specious bawling notwithstanding.

    I'm still unsure about what his argument is. If it's simply that
    Radeons work well with SW, well, he's welcome to that opinion. I don't
    know anyone who shares it, including SW Corp.

    matt, Feb 15, 2006
  17. << he seemed to have had this problem before >>

    I have never said that I have had this problem before and that is where you
    made a mistake and jumped the gun and started snowballing because you would
    not acknowledge your mistake. Even that nutcase Roland had to look back two
    years for a post where I had an issue and even there there was no mention of
    a video problem because it was a problem with the SW holding licenses up.

    << argument that you have to change graphics cards every year is simply
    wrong >>

    Is it or is it not true that SW only has a limited amount of video cards and
    very specific driver version listed as "certified" - yes. Do cards or
    drivers fall off the list each year or certified driver versions - yes. Was
    or was not the first thing you said something about getting a new video
    card - yes. Did you continue to say this even after the problem was
    solved - yes. Is there any way for me to determine NOW what card SW will
    commit to for say 3 years - NO. You are lucky that whatever card you are
    using has been certified for a few years - just lucky.

    << I'm still unsure about what his argument is >>

    Well lets see what my beef could be. Rather then suggest any help I get

    << you should know better than to still buy ATI cards >>

    If anything, if I can get this card to work with a program as picky as SW
    and still work flawlessly with my other applications it is more of an
    insentive to keep the card line.

    << The machine you spec'ed was bargain basement home internet box >>

    In a year what ever machine you are working on now will also look like a
    bargain basement Internet box. Or do you buy new machines as fast as you
    buy video cards for Solidworks? The link you posted for a machine you
    advised me to buy was way cheaper that what I bought this box for so I can
    only imagine that if you made the decision at the same time I purchased this
    box you would have purchased that what I got or less.

    << You sound like an IT person who got caught not paying attention >>

    This is exactly what I am taking about. Even after I solved the problem
    with no help from you and without throwing away a good investment that works
    with everything else, rather than accept the fact that the issue was solved
    you continue to try to insist that nothing else other than what you use
    could possibly work. So if your not using it or approve it then it can't be

    So, I solved a problem but rather than accept and learn from the solution
    you chose to ignore and undermine the solution. Who really needs to learn
    to listen here?
, Feb 16, 2006

    Michael Guest

    Let it go man....
    everybody that's ever going to agree with you already does...
    Michael, Feb 16, 2006
  19. When a card is not listed with a newer version of SW, it just means that the
    card wasn't tested, not that it is necessarily bad. As I said a long time
    ago, it would be nice if SW had the resources to test every card with every
    version, but I think most of the people here would rather that they put that
    effort into fixing bugs.
    SW probably pushes the envelope on video cards. That bothers you, but it
    doesn't seem to bother many other people in the group. A lot of us buy
    recommended cards. The odds are probably higher that a recommended card will
    still work in three years than a non-recommended card.
    Matt can be pretty single-minded some times. Perhaps he isn't listening as
    well as he could. (Since he has blocked your posts, I guess he isn't
    listening at all anymore.) But he has a long history in the group and most
    of us find him to be a tremendous resource. If you put more effort into
    listening and less into defending your actions, you would be money ahead.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 16, 2006
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