Slow down

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by James, May 25, 2005.

  1. James

    James Guest

    I seem to have a problem with SW slowing down after a period.
    In my previous installation it worked great for a few months then
    started slowing down. By that I mean it would take forever for the
    cursor to change from say the rotate icon to the arrow icon when I moved
    it over a tool bar. I could hover the cursor over a line on a part and
    the line would not change colors to indicate I was near it. When I
    attempt to use smart dimension to size a sketch it takes 20 or more
    seconds to acknowledge that I have moved the cursor.
    The graphics seem to be OK as I can use the 3D rotate and it rotates as
    fast as I can move the mouse so I'm inclined to think it's not a
    graphics driver problem.

    About 2 weeks ago I reformated and re-installed everything.
    SW worked great until a few days ago. Now it's back to doing the same thing.

    Any ideas?


    James, May 25, 2005
  2. James

    Jean Marc Guest

    Is it just SW, or all apps?
    If it is the case, are you sure you are free of spyware?
    Do you install or try other apps besides?
    Jean Marc, May 25, 2005
  3. James

    TOP Guest

    Run some benchmarks.

    Read "XPTC".
    TOP, May 25, 2005
  4. James

    Scott Guest

  5. James

    Bo Guest

    I had a problem with a missing toolbar and other users pointed me to
    using Regedit to delete a SolidWorks folder of preferences that not
    only got my toolbars back, but sped up SolidWorks a lot. But that is
    just the tip of the iceberg.

    Mike Tripoli on March 10, put up a long post which every SWks user
    should have copied out.

    Search this newsgroup for "optimize your system" and Mike's long post
    will be at the top. Read it, live it.

    Good luck - Bo
    Bo, May 25, 2005
  6. James

    iQ Guest

    bo is accurate in his registry hack here. i have been using it over
    the last 2 months to get SWx running better. before you do the
    registry hack run the SWx Copy Settings Wizard to retrieve the users
    settings in SWx. then i edit the registry under the Hkey_current_user
    and rename the SWx directory (just in case you need to go back). then
    start a session of SWx and close it. then apply the user settings to
    SWx. now i have had one problem with this and it was on a user that
    had MoldFlow software installed. we had to re-install the MoldFlow
    package to get it running again. anyway this will help, but follow
    Bo's advice and review the "optimize your system" postings. iQ
    iQ, May 25, 2005
  7. James

    Mike Tripoli Guest

    I'm blushing... ;^)

    Mike Tripoli, May 25, 2005
  8. James

    TOP Guest

    Both Scott and Mike reference This site is no longer up
    TOP, May 25, 2005
  9. James

    Sporkman Guest

    I've noticed the same sporadically, even after having utilized the info
    in Mike Tripoli's post (although that info helped me speed up Windows XP
    a bit). One potential cause for problems is my GeForce card (drivers
    not hacked -- yet) which will slow things down once I have opened 4
    windows in SolidWorks, but there does seem to be something in
    SolidWorks' code that isn't releasing memory as it should. In my case
    the problem is consistently solved by either just closing SolidWorks and
    restarting it, or at worst by rebooting. If those tactics aren't
    helping you then let us know.

    Sporkman, May 26, 2005
  10. James

    TOP Guest

    Did you ever run SpecAPC? It lists all the OGL features used in the
    TOP, May 26, 2005
  11. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\SolidWorks 2005

    If you blow away this key (or rename it) then SW will recreate it from the
    LM key and you start over with the default settings.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 27, 2005
  12. James

    Aussie Guest

    ok... what about piping...

    Is there a tweak that can give that a good swift kick in the butt?
    Aussie, May 27, 2005
  13. James

    Scott Guest

    Scott, May 27, 2005

  14. The benchmark probably sets some options, so that results will be more
    comparable from machine to machine and run to run. The readme for the
    benchmark ought to tell what it sets. Perhaps you had inadvertently set one
    of those options to a "bad" value that was causing the slowdown. Given your
    original description of the symptoms, this seems like a bit of a stretch,
    but it's at least a possibility.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 30, 2005
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