Hi, I have a very simple code that reads an ASCII file to extract Points, and triangles formed with the points. The file I'm working on has about 11000 triangles that I want to form 3dFaces with. (in case someone knows this product I read a Gocad file, which is slow to DXFOUT) First I load all the points into a collection, then all the triangles. I use this code to retreive the triangles and create them, but it takes about 5 min on a 1.5Gb Ram, 2.4Mhz computer. The ASCII file is read in about 2 seconds. Someone can help me speed up this thing. For i = 1 To CntTri - 1 FacePt1(0) = VtxX.Item(Tri1.Item(i)) FacePt1(1) = VtxY.Item(Tri1.Item(i)) FacePt1(2) = VtxZ.Item(Tri1.Item(i)) FacePt2(0) = VtxX.Item(tri2.Item(i)) FacePt2(1) = VtxY.Item(tri2.Item(i)) FacePt2(2) = VtxZ.Item(tri2.Item(i)) FacePt3(0) = VtxX.Item(Tri3.Item(i)) FacePt3(1) = VtxY.Item(Tri3.Item(i)) FacePt3(2) = VtxZ.Item(Tri3.Item(i)) Set Obj3DFace = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Add3DFace(FacePt1, FacePt2, FacePt3, FacePt1) Next