Skinny lines in a sketch

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jerry Forcier, Sep 27, 2005.

  1. Hello,

    When I make a relatively complicated sketch, it's not uncommon that I
    notice some parts of collinear lines are shown in a thinner weight than
    normal. It doesn't seem to matter if the sketch is fully constrained or
    not, I see the thin lines in both black and blue.

    I can't seem to find anything in the SWX help. Can someone please drop
    a message as to what they mean. It would be much appreciated.

    Jerry Forcier
    Jerry Forcier, Sep 27, 2005
  2. Jerry Forcier

    Brian Guest

    Usually SW displays those type of entities when there is more than one
    possible solution to the overall sketch. For example, a square with a line
    from one corner to the other. Or two lines placed on top of each other. In
    your case, I'd be betting on the latter. Two colinear lines with overlaps
    at the endpoints would display one of them as "skinny".

    Brian Hokanson
    Starting Line Products

    > wrote in message
    Brian, Sep 27, 2005
  3. Jerry Forcier

    ken.maren Guest

    The reason that this happens is because you have "an endpoint that is
    shared by multiple entities". It is really a warning to tell you that
    there is a problem with a sketch. The simplest example I can give is
    draw three lines and connect them all at one end point.

    ken.maren, Sep 27, 2005
  4. Jerry Forcier

    TOP Guest

    If you are making surfaces or extrusions using contours this is normal.
    If you are doing ordinary extrudes it will cause a failure.

    The two things that cause thin blue lines is sharing a common endpoint
    and line on line.

    To alleviate this situation convert one of the lines to construction.
    TOP, Sep 27, 2005
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