SKILL tips for n-edit

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by S.Badel, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. S.Badel

    S.Badel Guest

    here is the script i promised some time ago, to generate tips file from
    finder data.

    i always forgot to send it,
    hope it'll serve someone.



    ## File : iltips ##
    ## Author : S.Badel ##
    ## Date : Apr 1, 2005 ##
    ## Purpose : Generates nedit tips file from finder data ##
    ## ##
    ## Notes : ##
    ## ##
    ## Future improvements : ##
    ## ##

    use Carp;
    use Getopt::Long;
    use File::stat;
    use Text::Balanced qw (

    package main;
    our( $BIN,$VERSION);

    ## main() ##

    # display version
    print STDERR "\n". Version() . "\n\n";

    # parse options
    my $help='';
    my $version='';

    my @options = (
    'h|help' => \$help,
    'v|version' => \$version

    my %helpData = (
    args => {
    '<file>' => 'name of finder file to process',
    '[<file> ...]' => undef,
    options => {
    '-h, --help' => 'displays this help screen',
    '-v, --version' => 'prints the script version string'

    GetOptions( @options );

    # check options
    if( $help == 1 )
    exit 0;
    if( $version == 1 )
    exit 0;

    # main code starts here

    die "Missing argument." if $#ARGV<0;

    # print calltip file header
    print "* comment *\n".
    "File generated by iltips tool, from the file(s) : \n " .
    join("\n ", @ARGV) . "\n".

    print "* language *\n".

    my $file = shift @ARGV;

    while( $file )
    # read file
    open( FILE, "<$file" ) or do { print STDERR "Cannot open $file.\n";
    next; };
    my @lines = <FILE>;
    close( FILE );
    my $data = join( "", @lines ) . "\n";

    # print progress indication
    print STDERR " processing file $file...\n";

    # print comment indicating file name
    print "* comment *\n".
    "File $file\n".

    # strip leading comments and empty lines
    $data =~ s/(^\s*(;.*)?\n)*\(/(/m;
    # start processing
    ($match, $data, $skipped) = extract_bracketed( $data, '(")' );
    while ( $match )
    # extract section name, function definition and help text, removing
    ($name, $match) = extract_delimited( $match, '"', '\(' ); $name =
    substr( $name, 1, length($name)-2 );
    ($def, $match) = extract_delimited( $match, '"', '[\s\n]*' ); $def =
    substr( $def, 1, length($def)-2 );
    ($text, $match) = extract_delimited( $match, '"', '[\s\n]*' ); $text
    = substr( $text, 1, length($text)-2 );

    # break lines longer than 80 chars
    $text =~ s/(.{80,}?)\W\s*/\1\n/mg;
    # strip white lines
    $text =~ s/^\s*\n//mg;

    # print result
    print "$name\n$def\n$text\n\n" if $name and $def and $text;

    # strip leading comments and empty lines
    $data =~ s/(^\s*(;.*)?\n)*\(/(/m;
    # extract next definition
    ($match, $data, $skipped) = extract_bracketed( $data, '(")' );

    # catch error
    if( $data =~ m/[^\s\n]/m )
    # print STDERR "\nError parsing file $file:\n" . substr( $data, 0,
    1000 ) . "\n\n";
    print STDERR "\nError parsing file $file:\n" . $data . "\n\n";

    # process next file
    $file = shift ARGV;

    # exit
    exit 0;

    # Version() - returns the version string of the program
    sub Version
    return "$BIN v$VERSION";

    # DisplayHelp() - returns the help message
    sub DisplayHelp
    my $x;

    print "USAGE : $BIN [options] ";
    foreach $x( keys %{$helpData{args}} ) { print "$x "; }
    print "\n";

    print "WHERE :\n";
    foreach $x( keys %{$helpData{args}} ) { print "
    $x\t$helpData{args}{$x}\n" if defined($helpData{args}{$x}) }

    print "OPTIONS:\n";
    foreach $x( keys %{$helpData{options}} ) { print "
    $x\t$helpData{options}{$x}\n" if defined($helpData{options}{$x}) }
    print "\n";
    S.Badel, Apr 23, 2005
  2. S.Badel

    John Gianni Guest

    Thanks for helping all of us.
    In my book, this earns you a free SKILL Quick Reference!

    The SKILL Finder ASCII database is used by, of course, the SKILL Finder
    GUI (which is part of product 900 SKILL Development Environment) and
    for the CIW SKILL "help" command (sans the GUI), e.g.,
    CIW: help(funcName1 [funcName2...])

    In addition, that same SKILL Finder database is used for the hand-held
    SKILL Quick Reference document, which is almost on its twelfth
    printing, thanks to the resoundingly positive appraisals by Customers
    (which keeps it going as Cadence learns what Customers like to have in
    their hands and on their desks).

    The eleventh printing (Cadence orange) contains FIVE kinds of
    - CDBA functions that work on both CDB and OA databases (one)
    - CDBA functions that work differently in CDB or OA databases (two,
    - CDBA functions that work only in CDB or OA dabases (four, five)

    The twelfth printing (in progress) contains THREE kinds of functions:
    - CDBA functions that work only in OA (one)
    - CDBA functions that work both in CDB and OA (two)
    - CDBA functions that work differently in OA than in CDB (three)

    Send me your snail mail address if you like and I'd be glad to mail you
    an SQR or two (use my company address ... do not use this yahoo address
    as it's just a spam trap which gets thousands of spams a day).

    John Gianni
    "Nothing said by me on the USENET is company sanctioned nor reviewed!"
    John Gianni, Apr 25, 2005
  3. S.Badel

    fogh Guest


    this is indeed much cleaner than my shell script. Since you rewrote
    the whole thing, it is a nice gesture to post this.

    Apart from line wraps and the quotes, i remember there were some '<'
    characters also in the finder files, as in nl<yoursimulator>YadiYada
    function names.

    fogh, Apr 28, 2005
  4. S.Badel

    S. Badel Guest

    Apart from line wraps and the quotes, i remember there were some '<'
    The <> seem to be properly handled, because the tokens are enclosed in quotes.
    I've had problems with USR2 (i think it was USR2), related to errors in the finder
    files (such as missing closing parenthesis), but only a few, I corrected by hand.

    I already found a "bug" since i posted, however... it doesn't remove white lines from the
    function definitions. If there happens to be one, it breaks the calltip.
    The fix is easy though - copy the regexp that removes white lines from $text and apply it to

    S. Badel, Apr 28, 2005
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