SKILL script: exiting when certain condition if found

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by vlsidesign, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. vlsidesign

    vlsidesign Guest

    In Cadence Virtuoso I first select a pad inst and a pin (I do it in XL
    mode). My current script works then is called by a bindkey, it then
    centers the pin on top of the padinst. But sometimes I forget to
    de-select everything, and it then moves all the pins, etc. So I wanted
    to do a quick check and if I have more than two things selected it will
    abort the script. The "IF" statement is supposed to do that check, and
    then I have a foreach to handle calculating center of padinstance and
    then moving the pin, here is the IF portion:

    cv= GeGetEditCellView()
    if( numObjects != 2 then
    println( "Incorrect number of objects selected" )
    ;;;;;;;exit program but not Cadence Virtuoso session
    );end if

    Do I need to embed the "foreach" into the "else" portion of the "if"
    statement or can I give a function like 'exit' to exit the script. When
    I tried to use the exit function, it then exits my Cadence VIrtuoso
    session. ANy help is appreciated or pointing in the right direction is
    appreciated. Thanks.
    vlsidesign, Dec 13, 2006
  2. vlsidesign

    Guest Guest

    If you embed the code within (prog () <your code here> ) then you can
    use return().

    -Pete Zakel

    "Imitation is the sincerest form of plagarism."
    Guest, Dec 13, 2006
  3. vlsidesign

    vlsidesign Guest

    Thanks Pete, this works great.
    vlsidesign, Dec 14, 2006
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