skill script about disable the exist menu

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by roye, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. roye

    roye Guest

    I want to disable some cadence menus which I did not use. Like as , I
    want to disable the "library manager --> file", what should I do ?
    Please give me some ideas. THX
    roye, Mar 18, 2008
  2. roye

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Roye,

    You can disable the menus from the LibManager using function :
    As far as I know, the libManager contains 4 pull down menus (by
    default) : File, Edit, View and Design Manager.
    The corresponding skill names for each of these menus are
    respectively : fileCascade, editCascade, viewCascade and

    So if you type in the following into your CIW :
    lmgrManageMenuItems(list("fileCascade") nil)

    This will remove the menu "file" from your currently opened libManager
    and return "t" in the CIW.
    Note that this command will only act on your active libManager. If you
    close it down to restart a new one, this later will come with the
    default menus again :-(

    If you want to make this customization into you whole cadence session,
    you just need to create a file called in your working/
    home directory and add the above skill command.
    To read more about the file : What does it contain, how
    it is loaded and stuff ... please read the Cadence Library Manager
    User Guide (Chapter 11).

    FYI : If you want to get the list of the LibManager's menu items, type
    in the following into your CIW (The libManager must be opened if you
    want to see any result) :
    lmgrQueryNamedObjects(). If you try
    lmgrQueryNamedObjects("fileCascade"), this will give you the "File"
    menu items list.

    Good luck ;-)

    Riad KACED, Mar 20, 2008
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