Skill Rotate Any Angle

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Tracy Groller, Feb 18, 2005.

  1. I have a coord pair below
    which is a rectangle .

    I would like to have a skill function to rotate this at any angle .
    Is there code already done that can be used .

    ((33.655 86.41) (52.21 94.83))


    \ ~ ~ ///
    ---- ( @ @ )
    | | ======oOOo==(_)==oOOo=======================================
    | |__<*> ___ Tracy Groller | Texas Instruments, Inc.
    | _|III|_ | ------------------| Wireless RFCMOS Design
    _____| /_ III _/ \ TI MSGID: TAG2 | P.O. Box 660199, MS 8729
    \_ /III/ | PC Drop: PFLL | Dallas, Texas 75266
    \ _ /III/ _| -------------------------------------------------
    \_/ \ \___> - Phone: (214) 480-2217 Text Pager
    \ / Email:
    \ \ =======================================================
    Tracy Groller, Feb 18, 2005
  2. Tracy Groller

    S. Badel Guest

    this is simple geometry

    any point (x,y) can be rotated by an angle a around the center (0,0) by multiplying it
    by the matrix [ (cos a, sin a) (-sin a, cos a) ]. that is,

    x' = x*cos(a)-y*sin(a)
    y' = x*sin(a)+y*cos(a)

    if the center is not (0,0) but (cx,cy)

    x' = cx + (x-cx)*cos(a)-(y-cy)*sin(a)
    y' = cy + (x-cx)*sin(a)+(y-cy)*cos(a)

    beware however that sinuses and coses are reals, so it will need to round (most of the time)
    points to the minimum database unit (usually 1/1000 micron for a layout), and that
    may distort the shapes a bit (especially if applying successive rotations-and-rounding).

    i let the skill implementation up to you,


    S. Badel, Feb 19, 2005
  3. Tracy Groller

    G Vandevalk Guest

    Curious ... How do you plan to get to a manufacturing grid?
    I think the default case, the tool will silently truncate to the
    nearest 0.01u ... (but that was a while ago)

    It is somewhat ugly when you transform by angles that users expect
    to be wlll behaved (i.e. 45degrees) and all of a sudden, you get lines that
    on 45degree multiples of angles, and they end up being not quite anymore.

    (more of a comment to users who think that powerful transforms as shown
    below can be used without fear ... They are powerful, but understand their

    -- Gerry

    G Vandevalk, Feb 24, 2005
  4. Tracy Groller

    S. Badel Guest

    I guess so too (well i would say database unit instead of 0.01u, which would
    rather be 0.001u in the common case, but could be different if setting a different
    DBUPerUU). Handling the rotation without distortion seems difficult, if not impossible,
    to me.

    This is for sure. This is already an issue for example with 45 degree paths, where the
    center line gets on the grid and the side points are off-grid because stupid and silly
    tan(pi/8) is not a real.

    But anyway why would you want to rotate an object other that multiples of 45 degrees,
    for any other purpose that artwork? It seems anyway foundries wouldn't accept such
    weird layouts.

    I may be narrow minded but I do not see any use for this, if you have any clue please open
    my eyes...

    S. Badel, Feb 25, 2005
  5. Rational I assume?

    Jean-Marc Bourguet, Feb 25, 2005
  6. Some of the emmerging processes are MEMS processes, where you
    need to have some artwork features.

    A very basic structure even compatible microelectronics, is
    a spiral inductor with a "multigonal" shaping. It needs such
    kind of any angle rotation feature.

    Some othe conic structure for pure optical processes, need such
    any angle rotation feature.


    Kholdoun TORKI
    Kholdoun TORKI, Feb 25, 2005
  7. Tracy Groller

    S. Badel Guest

    my mistake, i meant IS a real (not rational)
    thanks for spotting the error

    S. Badel, Feb 25, 2005
  8. Tracy Groller

    fogh Guest


    I believe it is more a problem for the physical verification tools or
    the pattern generation tools (OPC and such) than for the layout editor.
    As mentionned earlier, you can only have rationals on the grid. The
    angle grid is influence by the length of the line being rotated. So the
    is not really a 'solution', and I don t find it worth looking for a more
    "clever" grid snapping preocedure than the one performed silently by the
    DBUs. But this is my 2cents, I barely ever work with MEMs or Xrouting.
    But such problems occur with RF structures too.

    The assura deck could allow grid errors corresponding to the dimension
    of the object when testing manhattan'ness or angles acuteness. For
    example: if a 500um long path is at 46degrees , that is and error , but
    if a 2um path is, that is acceptable.

    fogh, Feb 27, 2005
  9. Interesting. All of the processes I've dealt with have been limited to
    square, rectangular, or (at best) octagonal inductors. I've heard about
    some experimental RF processes which allowed 30 and 60 degree routes,
    but have never played with them.

    How do the MEMS guys handle gears, etc., in more conventional processes
    which are restricted to 45s? Or are these usually done in MEMS-specific

    David Cuthbert, Feb 27, 2005
  10. I have investigated those kind of problems 6 years ago with a PhD
    student. We found some interesting results. The work was part of
    an EU project (TALENT).

    We published in 2000 :
    Z. JUNEIDI, K. TORKI, R. HAMZA, "Design rules for non-manhattan shapes",
    SPIE's 2000 Symposium and Continuing Education Program on Micromachining
    and Micro-fabrication, Santa Clara, California, USA, September 17-20 2000.

    One of the partners in the TALENT project was Mentor, and they
    adopted the solution of the tolerance which is now part of
    Calibre/DRC and extraction. The user may define a tolerance so that
    off-grids and/or some non-manhattan angles are passing the DRC.

    If you manipulate objects with minimum design rules, you may have
    problems with the all-angles shapes and off-grid structures.
    Otherwise, if the structures are large (more than let say 5 times
    the minimum rules), then the relative errors introduced are very
    small and can be neglected. The pattern generation tool and OPC
    are fine with such.

    One of the layout tools which has nice artwork features is L-Edit
    from Tanner. It allows all angle structures, and allow all-angle
    instances, with a full compliance with the GDSII standard.
    (the problem is when you try to streamIn all-angles instances in
    Cadence/Virtuoso, it is not supported ...)


    Kholdoun TORKI
    Kholdoun TORKI, Feb 27, 2005
  11. Tracy Groller

    G Vandevalk Guest

    Many years ago I was told that it was physically impossible to create
    structures with curves, and that you could not create (for instance)
    the Northern Telecom curved NT logo. (owned now by Nortel)

    Since I was involved in all steps of IC layout, from Polygon Capture, DRC
    GDSII streamOut, KLA inspection, Mask specification creation, Wafer Starts,
    internal custom processing instructions, and wafer testing, I was able to
    insure that a curved
    logo was created on a metal mask. ( I have sample wafers & chrome maskmaking
    to prove it.

    Doing "All Angle" geometry design (especially when we tell the designers
    that data
    is restricted to 45 degree angles and 0.1u GDSII locations) is not for the
    "Faint of Heart". It is important to understand what happens to the data at
    each step.

    Ultimately, when the chrome mask is created, the GDSII data is converted
    into a
    MEBES format that essentially reduced the data to a grid of chrome spots.
    spots are formed in a regular square array. I think that the spot centers
    are designed to be offset from the input mask grid. One issue on 45 degree
    lines is what happens when the
    chrome spot center gets close to the polygon line edge. I think that the
    answer is best described as ... when it gets close, you are not sure if a
    spot is resolved or not!

    But it is trivial (but expensive) to decrease the spot size (at the time I
    was doing this)

    Making the incoming mask inspection system pass these odd angles is
    sometimes a bit of a trick. With only a few odd angled lines, you can
    usually get it to work, but it does tend to drive the "fracturing" costs
    through the roof. (Fracturing is an archaic term that was used to describe
    the procedure of turning the design into a set of rectangles. This is not
    done anymore, but the maskmaking people used the term to describe the
    increase expense of non-standard geometries into their flow.

    Note that all of the above hand waving is somewhat dated, As I did this
    G Vandevalk, Feb 27, 2005
  12. Tracy Groller

    fogh Guest


    Grenoble is where I did my "travaux pratiques" ten years ago. That
    brings up memories ...
    Google felt lucky and gave me 5 pages at , but these seem
    to only state the problem. Maybe my reading was too quick, but is there
    a more extended version of this paper ?

    fogh, Mar 1, 2005
  13. Fogh,

    There is actually the complete PhD thesis of this student
    available in the TIMA web site :
    In Chapter 5, is described what we done with non-manhatan shapes.
    (unfortunately, it's in french)

    The efficient solution we implemented is to sample all the any-angle
    shapes to the most close on-grid points. That results in too many
    points for the structure, but it passes 100% of the DRC.
    Of course this method is good when there are limitted number of
    such structures, otherwise the database explose in size ...

    I would admit that since then, the major CAD vendors are doing
    a nice job regarding DRC and extraction, which was not the case
    10 years ago with such structures. We were at that time struggling
    with the tools for MEMS structures ...


    Kholdoun TORKI
    Kholdoun TORKI, Mar 2, 2005
  14. Tracy Groller

    fogh Guest


    french is fine with me( I am from Lyon ).
    Thanks for the reference. It seems to adress many other topics like
    integrating EM simulator and a TCAD simulator (etch) , or
    electro-mechanicalmodel reduction for analog behavioral languages.

    And the chapter 5 seems to have all answer on the topic of
    non-manhatan shape checking.

    fogh, Mar 5, 2005
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