SKILL Q: How to get a hir prop forn the tch lib?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Bernd Fischer, Feb 10, 2004.

  1. Hi,

    How can I get a hierarchical property form the technology library.

    I have the 'xSnapSpacing' stored a hierarchical property to
    the techlib (don't ask why, this is design kit specific).

    techLibName string "myTechLibName"
    viewProps hier >
    I want to get the 'xSnapSpacing' to prevent some offgrid
    placement for a inhouse tool.

    ddGetObj( techGetTechLibName( geGetEditCellView( w_windowId ) ) )~>viewProps

    Returns the 'viewProps' database ID, but how to go further?

    Thanks Bernd
    Bernd Fischer, Feb 10, 2004
  2. Bernd Fischer

    S. Badel Guest

    did you try

    viewProps = ddGetObj( techGetTechLibName(
    geGetEditCellView( ) ) )~>viewProps~>value

    maskLayoutProps = car( exists( x viewProps x~>name=="maskLayout" ) )~>value

    xSnapSpacing = car( exists( x maskLayoutProps
    x~>name=="xSnapSpacing" ) )~>value

    that is, the viewProps property value is a list of properties.
    you find the one which has name=="maskLayout", whose value
    is a list of properties. Find then the one with name=="xSnapSpacing"
    and get the value.

    think it should work.
    S. Badel, Feb 10, 2004
  3. Hi,

    I found a way, but this doesn't statisfy me very much.

    techGetTechLibName( geGetEditCellView( w_windowId )
    ) )~>viewProps~>value~>value )
    equal( d_prop~>name "xSnapSpacing" ) )

    There must be an easier way to get this!?

    Bernd Fischer, Feb 10, 2004
  4. Bernd Fischer

    S. Badel Guest


    searched a bit, probably a cleaner way to do it would be

    lib = ddGetObj( techGetTechLibName( geGetEditCellView( w_windowId ) ) )
    viewProps = dbFindProp( lib "viewProps" )
    maskLayoutProps = dbFindProp( viewProps "maskLayout" )
    xSnapSpacing = sbFindProp( maskLayoutProps "xSnapSpacing" )~>value

    though probably functionally equivalent this is more portable to future

    S. Badel, Feb 10, 2004
  5. Thanks, yours is the a better way, checking the properties name
    rather than I do get the position in the list.

    Bernd Fischer, Feb 10, 2004
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