Hi all! I haven't been able to use the hardCopyOptions() / hardCopy() functions to print Wavescan plots. The following code works fine when the plots are drawn with the old AWD: ;... my_window = newWindow() ;...some waveform plotting... hardCopyOptions(?hcNumCopy 1 \ ?hcPlotterName "epsfC" \ ?hcOrientation 'landscape \ ?hcPaperSize "11x17" \ ?hcOutputFile "~/testplot.ps" ) hardCopy(my_window) ;... Using this code the plot is generated correctly and I get the following output at the CIW: \w *WARNING* **** /home/lagos/cds/tests/IC_5.1.41/tools/ plot/.cdsplotinit \o Loading /home/lagos/cds/tests/IC_5.1.41/tools/plot/.cdsplotinit \o Loading /home/lagos/.cdsplotinit \o plotServ 7.02, build a, 03.01, static \o *Info* Hard copy done. However, the very same code fails when I use Wavescan as the plotting tool, resulting in the following output at the CIW when doing so: \w *WARNING* **** /home/lagos/cds/tests/IC_5.1.41/tools/ plot/.cdsplotinit \o Loading /home/lagos/cds/tests/IC_5.1.41/tools/plot/.cdsplotinit \o Loading /home/lagos/.cdsplotinit \t nil I suspect the hardCopy() command is not meant to be used for printing Wavescan plots... could anybody please tell what is the equivalent to the "hardCopy()" command that should be used with Wavescan, or more generaly, what is the right procedure to print Wavescan plots using Skill? Thanks for any help/ideas, as usual. Cheers, Jorge.
spectrallypure wrote, on 03/04/09 14:38: Jorge, Did you check to see if the file actually got produced? hardCopy() is still the way to do this, although the underlying print mechanism is completely different, and hence it gives different messages. It does not use "plotServ", but natively writes PostScript - it only uses the cdsplotinit stuff to find out the page size and printer name/queue information. I just tried an almost identical hardCopyOptions() to you, except I used a slightly different printer name and paperSize, and ~/testplot.ps was produced. BTW, if you specify the ?hcOutputFile as something with (say) a ".png" suffix, it will output an image file, just as it would with the File->Save As Image in the wavescan graph window. Regards, Andrew.
Did you check to see if the file actually got produced? I tried again using another paper size and it worked! I have always had problems with the settings in my .cdsplotinit.... I changed it to use the following entries and now it works: my_epsc|my_epsc: \ :spool=cat > ~/cdsplot.ps: \ :query=ls -l ~/cdsplot.ps: \ :remove=rm -f ~/cdsplot.ps: \ :type=epsfC: \ :maximumPages#1: \ :resolution#1016: \ aperSize="A4_landscape" 11470 7030: \ aperSize="A4_portrait" 7990 10510: Thanks so much for the help! Cheers, Jorge.