SKILL listFunctions is now 6x faster than before

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by John Gianni, Aug 18, 2003.

  1. John Gianni

    John Gianni Guest


    1. This Sunday, I was reading my email which noted the SKILL listFunctions()
    command has been sped up by as much as 600% (this improvment is released in
    Sun4v, Hppa hotfix streams based on the subversion
    Ibmrs hotfix streams based on the subversion
    Lnx86 hotfix stream based on the subversion
    thanks to a PCR submitted jointly by me & Andrew Beckett (PCR 574390).

    2. The old way to use listFunctions:
    CIW: listFunctions("*")
    lists all functions which are properly documented (although they may or
    may not be defined at any particular time in any particular executable).
    The speed of this was already pretty fast as it simply looked at the
    .fnd finder ASCII text files for data.

    3. The new way to use listFunctions:
    CIW: listFunctions("*" t)
    is what was sped up by 600% or more.
    Note the optional new argument 't' added for compatibility reasons.

    This new way (thanks to an Andrew Beckett PCR long ago) lists ONLY those
    public functions which are currently defined and callable (even your
    public SKILL functions if you've defined any in the current session).

    So, from now on, no matter the executable or context loaded, you should
    be able to list the functions defined, public, and callable by using
    the new (compatible) syntax proposed by Andrew Beckett (add the 't').

    John Gianni, Aug 18, 2003
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