SKILL: How to rename a pin in Layout?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Min Ting, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. Min Ting

    Min Ting Guest

    Hi everyone,

    I am trying to rename the "vdd" pin to "vdd!" in order to match with
    the schematic to pass LVS.

    With the function below there is one interesting thing that the net
    name of the terminal is not changed with the code but only the
    terminal name is changed.

    However, if I manually edited the terminal name once, then use the
    code to change the terminal name and merge the net, both the terminal
    name and net name would be changed. Could you give me some idea why
    this is happening?

    By only changing the terminal name without merging the net, the LVS
    does not complain, I am wondering what would be the issue if I only
    change the terminal name without merging the net.

    I am wondering what is the purpose for using the rexCompile function
    to compile the pattern and what would happen if I directly assign a
    new name to the terminal (i.e. term~>name = "newTerm")?


    Author A.D.Beckett
    Group Custom IC (UK), Cadence Design Systems Ltd.
    Language SKILL
    Date Jun 26, 2007

    Function to replace a substring in a terminal - uses regular
    expression functions. For more details, see the comments below,

    abReplaceTermNames(cvId "from" "to")

    is a typical usage.


    SCCS Info: @(#) 06/26/07.13:26:16 1.1


    * *
    * abReplaceTermNames(cvId pattern replace @optional (index 1)) *
    * *
    * Look for any terminal names in the view with a name which *
    * matches the regular expression pattern. When found, replace *
    * the matching pattern with the string replace. Normally it *
    * will replace the first occurrence, but that can be changed with *
    * the optional index argument. Returns t if anything was changed. *
    * *

    procedure(abReplaceTermNames(cvId pattern replace @optional (index 1))
    let((existTerm newName newNet changed)
    foreach(term cvId~>terminals
    newName=rexReplace(term~>name replace index)
    existTerm=dbFindTermByName(cvId newName)
    if(existTerm then
    warn("Cannot rename %s to %s as terminal already exists with
    that name" term~>name newName)
    ; Update the name, and update the net too
    ; (by creating a new one and merging it)
    newNet=dbMakeNet(cvId newName)
    dbMergeNet(newNet term~>net)
    ; Then update any labels attached to pin figures;
    ; textDisplays will be updated automatically, so it's
    ; only conventional labels we need to worry about
    foreach(pin term~>pins
    foreach(child pin~>fig~>children
    ) ; when label
    ) ; foreach child
    ) ; foreach pin
    ) ; if
    ) ; when
    ) ; foreach
    ) ; let
    ) ; procedure

    Thanks and regards,

    Min Ting, Sep 4, 2009
  2. Min Ting

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Min,

    Although I could answer the above questions, I'll let Andew replying
    as he is the author of the code.
    I have one concern though : Why do you want to do this ? This is not a
    good idea in your particular case I'm afraid.
    the VDD! in your schematic is a global net. This is a logical notion
    that does not make any sens in a physical layout.
    Instead of running LVS at this cell level, I would advise you creating
    a Top level where you instantiate the symbol of your schematic. You
    have then to define a netSet on your symbol with the right property
    name/value. Create the top level pins and then create the layout. This
    way your LVS would pass ... fingers in the nose !

    Riad KACED, Sep 6, 2009
  3. Min Ting wrote, on 09/04/09 21:25:
    .... code snipped for brevity ...
    I can't see why this would happen - I'd probably have to see the database which
    had the problem to figure it out.

    The rex stuff is just to allow the terminal name to be specified as a regular
    expression. This is to allow you to replace part of a terminal name with
    something else. So that's unlikely to be the problem, because in practice once
    the newName has been determined in the code, it just does term~>name=newName.

    Note it is also perfectly legal to have a net name different from the terminal
    name - so it shouldn't actually cause any problems if this happens.

    But I also take Riad's point in his reply - it's better to avoid global names in
    the schematic. There's no such thing as a "global" in layout anyway...


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 7, 2009
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