skill:get a input value from keyboard

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by camelot, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. camelot

    camelot Guest

    I have a little problem. I have to get a space key pressed to allow
    the program go on to other operations. I'm using batch skill in a
    shell and no under Opus so bindkeys are not available. However, is
    there a way to get a char or a string from keyboard and store it in a
    variable? Something like that allow user to get information i a skill
    batch session.

    Thank you,

    camelot, Nov 21, 2008
  2. camelot

    S. Badel Guest

    The following should work under unix. Not sure how portable though.

    use waitForKey(32) for spacebar.


    procedure( getch()
    let( (c)
    system("stty -echo raw")
    c = getc(piport)
    system("stty echo -raw")
    ) ; let
    ) ; procedure

    procedure( waitForKey(k)
    while( k>=32 && k<=127 && getch() != k t )
    S. Badel, Nov 21, 2008
  3. camelot

    camelot Guest

    Hi, thank you for the suggestion but in my case I would like to check
    the key press without a pause until the key is pressed...

    camelot, Nov 26, 2008
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