SKILL function for auto contact

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by eyn, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. eyn

    eyn Guest

    Can someone please point me to the SKILL function used to invoke the
    auto contact feature (i.e. create via -> auto) in Virtuoso? I would
    like to use this function to automatically insert vias instead of
    doing it by manually clicking where I want the auto via to appear.

    If there is no such public SKILL function available, can some of you
    experts please give some suggestions how would I go about coding such
    a function myself. I'm thinking of using dbLayerAnd, dbGetOverlap etc.
    to find the intersection area, but I'm not sure if I can traverse the
    hierarchy and get the net of shapes underneath the intersection area.

    Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!
    eyn, Nov 9, 2009
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