Skill for creating a symbol view

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by gerd.beeckman, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. Hi,
    Does anyone have the Skill code to (re)generate, for example, the
    "nmos4" symbol view from analogLib?
    I manage to draw the lines and selection box but i'm not sure on how
    to create the 4 terminals and their cdsTerm() labels. Is there a
    specific function for the terminals or can they be drawn using
    What about the cdsParam() labels of type ILLabel?

    gerd.beeckman, Apr 25, 2008
  2. gerd.beeckman

    S. Badel Guest

    A generic answer :
    for any cellview, you can use dbWriteSkill() to obtain the SKILL code that will recreate the exact
    same cellview.

    Though it might not be very pretty and stylized code, one can learn from this code how to create the
    different structures and what functions to call.

    S. Badel, Apr 25, 2008
  3. Thanks Stephane, i didn't know this. I extracted the code and it looks
    quite straightforward to tweak it to my needs.
    I should make the "DFII Skill Functions Reference" a permanent
    bookmark ;)

    gerd.beeckman, Apr 25, 2008
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