Discussion in 'Cadence' started by satya, Jan 5, 2007.

  1. satya

    satya Guest

    Does anyone know about the FFI (foreign function interface) used in
    SKILL (there must be one for the Motif/Qt libraries) and if it might be
    possible to use it more generally?

    satya, Jan 5, 2007
  2. satya

    Jimka Guest

    There is no public ffi.

    It seems to me like there are two basic reasons someone might want
    an FFI. 1: because there might be libraries written in another
    language which
    you want to use in SKILL. 2. because you might want to write a new
    application (or convert an existing one) in a compiled language to
    increase performance, or hide the implementation from the end users.

    Some (but not all) of the need for an FFI would go away if there
    were a native skill compiler. I.e., what if you could compile your
    skill functions or skill files into natively running x86/sparc/etc
    which integrated effortlessly into the cadence framework? And what if
    compiled SKILL was as safe, as robust, and as easy to use as

    There are several very good lisp compilers available for other flavors
    of lisp. Some are open source. You can download them and take
    a look at them. Some of them offer equivalent performance of c
    for certain applications. cf SBCL, CMUCL, AllegroCL, ECL

    Anyone wanting to know more about such capability for SKILL
    should contact me.
    Jimka, Jan 6, 2007
  3. satya

    satya Guest

    I kind of guessed that from the non-existence of the word "ffi" in
    sourcelink . I was hoping for a private API that I could request to be
    made public.
    I think 1 is the more important reason (and the one which prompted
    my original question). CPU cycles are plentiful these
    days and SKILL isn't too bad in the performance department.


    satya, Jan 11, 2007
  4. satya

    Jimka Guest

    it's an interesting point of view... however, it depends on
    what kinds of programs you are writing as well. I find SKILL
    very slow from may types of applications. I wish it were
    100 times faster which it could indeed be.

    Jimka, Jan 22, 2007
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