skill compiler

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Govindrkulkarni, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Hi,

    Is there any complier it execute skill program or sytax cheker without
    using icfb CIW .
    In otherwords without cadence.

    Govindrkulkarni, Mar 29, 2007
  2. SKILL is a Cadence proprietary scripting language. If you want to write
    in SKILL, but run it outside Cadence tools, you can always write in
    Lisp, which is very similar to SKILL. Or perhaps I should say that SKILL
    is very similar to Lisp.
    Edward Kalenda, Mar 30, 2007
  3. SKILL is an interpreted progamming language, like Perl or Tcl,
    and needs an interpreter which is the Cadence Design Framework II
    Command Interpreter Window (CIW).

    Oqute form Wikipedia
    For interpreted programming language refer to:

    Bernd Fischer, Mar 30, 2007
  4. There is a standalone interpreter named skill. Obviously you don't have
    all the dfII functions in it.

    Jean-Marc Bourguet, Mar 30, 2007
  5. And there's another useful executable called "dbAccess" which gives you core
    SKILL plus db, dd, tech, cdf functions (i..e anything that is "pcell safe").

    Note that SKILL is actually byte-code compiled - so it's not strictly
    interpreted or compiled. It compiles the code to a virtual machine, and then
    executes instructions in this virtual machine. So it's somewhere between an
    interpreter and a compiler (the virtual machine is effectively an interpreter).


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 11, 2007
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