SKILL code to pare down a library to its essentials

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Poly Diffusion, Feb 6, 2004.

  1. We have a need to pare down many libraries (which are used
    in test cases) to their bare essentials (only what's used).

    We know about the "cdsLibDebug -cla" & "clsAdminTool -ale"
    & CDBA squishDB & defragment & tree commands ... but ...

    Given a top-level hierarchical DFII library/cell/view, do
    you know of a program which will create an archive of JUST
    the 'objects' used in that library/cell/view (including a
    copy of JUST the reference library components needed)?

    The intent is NOT to create a single library, but, to
    DUPLICATE the library structure without any extraneous
    cell views, pcells, backup files, lock files, etc.

    Any hints?
    Poly Diffusion, Feb 6, 2004
  2. Poly Diffusion

    Tim Roy Guest

    You could do a hierarchical copy in Library Manager. Select the top
    level cell and copy it hierarchically to a temp library, clear out the
    original library then move or copy it back. This will work as long as
    you have a cell which contains all the nesessary sub-cells.

    Tim Roy, Feb 6, 2004
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