skill code to find instances and nodes

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Mark Summers, Mar 13, 2005.

  1. Mark Summers

    Mark Summers Guest

    my ultimate goal is to generate a skill routine that will extract timing
    information from a spectre(most likely run through ocean) to allow for
    digital timing verification on custom digital blocks. I want to get setup
    and hold margin.

    In order to accomplish this I need to find the clock and data inputs of all
    flip-flops in the schematic. I need a function that will search through the
    hierarchy for instances that are flip-flops and then return the nodes
    connected to the data and clock inputs. These nodes that are returned need
    to be correct with respect to the simulation schematic hierarchy. IE if a
    flip-flop is two levels down the hierarchy, then the function should return

    Any help in locating nodes in a simulation schematic attached to certain
    instances would be very helpful.

    Also if anyone knows of the location of skill scripts that already implement
    digital timing verification that would be very helpful.
    Mark Summers, Mar 13, 2005
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