sketching onto the picture

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by maddz, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. maddz

    maddz Guest


    how to make sketch that is based on image file (jpg, bmp, ...) in pro/e wf2.
    I need to build models that look exactly the same as designer planned. So
    I'd like to scan the pictures and sketch on them to make my features.

    Until now I used Acad for that and imported dxf, etc. Is there better way to
    do that?

    maddz, Aug 19, 2004
  2. maddz

    Jeff Howard Guest

    In the absence of something more specific about raster formats, you might
    look at the help files for Data Exchange / Interface (you can read dxf).
    Might help you determine the best way to do about it based on what you've
    got to start with. Or, just scan the extensions in the open or insert
    Jeff Howard, Aug 19, 2004
  3. maddz

    Pete Guest

    Here's the trick:

    Scan your image to make it .jpg, .tif, etc. Then, create a flat
    surface the same size as the sketch. If it's on an 8.5x11 piece of
    paper and you scanned it at 100%, sketch an 8.5x11 rectangular

    Next, go into View>Colors & Appearances, and create a new color.
    Under the Map tab add a decal to it. Load the .jpg as the decal and
    size it so that it exactly covers the flat surface.

    You now have the artwork in ProE at scale. You can use this surface
    as your sketch plane and draw overtop the entities. Of course, it's
    still all free-hand since you can reference the image.......but it's
    better than nothing! I've done it several times to bring things like
    safety warning labels in - the ones where they show flames or a hand
    or a person. I would generate a sketched datum curve over it with all
    the sketches you need to build the part, because once you add that
    first feature, the decal-ed surface will be consumed by it, whereas
    you will always see the yellow lines of the datum curve.

    Pete, Aug 19, 2004
  4. maddz

    David Janes Guest

    : Here's the trick:
    : Scan your image to make it .jpg, .tif, etc. Then, create a flat
    : surface the same size as the sketch. If it's on an 8.5x11 piece of
    : paper and you scanned it at 100%, sketch an 8.5x11 rectangular
    : surface.
    : Next, go into View>Colors & Appearances, and create a new color.
    : Under the Map tab add a decal to it. Load the .jpg as the decal and
    : size it so that it exactly covers the flat surface.
    : You now have the artwork in ProE at scale. You can use this surface
    : as your sketch plane and draw overtop the entities. Of course, it's
    : still all free-hand since you can reference the image.......but it's
    : better than nothing! I've done it several times to bring things like
    : safety warning labels in - the ones where they show flames or a hand
    : or a person. I would generate a sketched datum curve over it with all
    : the sketches you need to build the part, because once you add that
    : first feature, the decal-ed surface will be consumed by it, whereas
    : you will always see the yellow lines of the datum curve.

    In addition to what Pete says, there's a feature called trace sketch, maybe in
    ISDX, that lets you snap the curves to highlighted ares of a graphic. It might
    work better with line art or harder edged tiff graphics. Maybe converting from
    jpeg to gray scale or black and white. There's an option in which
    enables this called tracesketch and should be set to yes.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Aug 20, 2004
  5. maddz

    Pete Guest

    .. Of course, it's

    Ooops! Little typo there which I didn't notice until
    should have read "you can't reference the image"........

    Funny what a difference one letter can make.

    Pete, Aug 20, 2004
  6. maddz

    maddz Guest

    Thank you all!
    I'll try it.

    Best regards,

    maddz, Aug 23, 2004
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