Sketching a spline

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by gra_factor, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. gra_factor

    gra_factor Guest

    Morning All,

    You know me, I only pop in when I have a question to ask. I must stop
    doing that...

    I'm sketching a spline and it may have either points along the spline
    and/or an angle dimension at an end point. If I delete one of these,
    sometimes, but not always, the spline stays exactly where it is. I can
    tick off the sketch and finish the feature and it's still there in a
    shape that is not truly defined by the points and dims of the sketch.
    How do I get it to update?
    gra_factor, Nov 16, 2005
  2. gra_factor

    John Wade Guest

    I'd suggest, for a spline through a bunch of points, you create the
    points first as a point table, which will let you create the spline
    through the whole array later. If you also need the ends to be
    tangential to something, it gets a bit harder: I suggest you create
    short curves estcending from where the ends will be, to define the end
    tangency, then use the end vertices of these curves as the beginnings
    and ends of the spline. You'll be able to make the spline tangent to
    them then, but you'll have to pick the intermediate points one at a

    You can 'use edge' this in a feature later.
    John Wade, Nov 16, 2005
  3. gra_factor

    shaun Guest

    Do you have the intent manager on or off?
    shaun, Nov 17, 2005
  4. gra_factor

    gra_factor Guest

    Intent Manager is on. It's also 2001, we haven't moved to WF yet
    because most of our clients haven't.

    John, I get your suggestion, I often find I need to create curves thru
    points but this was a case where a planar sketched curve was what I
    needed. It was actually sketched and projected onto surfaces. I was
    hoping there was a way you regen the sketch or force it somehow to
    follow its new parameters.
    gra_factor, Nov 17, 2005
  5. gra_factor

    John Wade Guest

    Did you try placing sketch points and dimensioning to them? If that
    doesn't work, I'm out of ideas.
    John Wade, Nov 18, 2005
  6. gra_factor

    gra_factor Guest

    No I didn't, but I don't think it matters how the points in the curve
    are constrained. If I delete the point the shape of the curve should
    change and it doesn't. Note that it does change when I add a point and
    move it around.
    gra_factor, Nov 18, 2005
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