Sketches in an Assembly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Kevin Steele, Jul 26, 2005.

  1. Kevin Steele

    Kevin Steele Guest

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm new here, and quite new to Solidworks. Just trying to find my way
    around. It is a little different to my usual software and I get a
    little frustrated sometimes when I know what I want to do, but can't
    quite work out how Soldiworks wants me to do it. Going quite well,
    but I've hit a bit of a brick wall, that I hope some of you old hands
    can help me through.

    I have constructed an assembly from various parts, so far so good.
    But I want to trim an outer case to the outline of some batteries
    contained within it. Dead simple trim, just requires a circle to be
    cut out of a pad standing up on the case. I can easiy create a sketch
    on the end of the battery, but cannot use it to trim the case. When I
    try to use the sketch to trim the case it tells me the sketch must be
    linked to the part I'm working on, and the sketch is linked to the
    battery, not the case. How should I be approacjing this?

    Thanks for any help,

    Kevin Steele, Jul 26, 2005
  2. Highlight the "case", then pick "edit part", then make your sketch on the
    "battery" face and trim the case.

    Mike Eckstein
    Michael Eckstein, Jul 26, 2005
  3. Kevin Steele

    Kevin Steele Guest

    But when I selected "edit part" all the other parts in the assembly
    (critically, the battery) became transparent and I couldn't select
    anything on them, it only seemed to let me work on the part selected.
    Have I got an option set wrongly for doing this (I haven't got the
    hang of all the options -there seem to be so many of them).




    Just had a thought, could I draw the circle in thcorrect orientation
    on the required part (case) abd then add smart dimensions to points on
    the assembly? -I'll try that when I get back to work.
    Kevin Steele, Jul 26, 2005
  4. Kevin Steele

    Brian Guest

    Sounds like you have the option "No external references" selected. That
    would prevent you from creating the type of reference that you want. For
    me, that button is on the command manager toolbar, but is probably also
    accesible (insert spelling coorection here ) through the menus. If I recall
    correctly, it is on by default.

    If that was not the case, selecting transparent items can be tricky. Try
    hovering your mouse over the area where your battery face should be. Right
    click and chose "select other", hovering over the selections in the box that
    opened up should highlight the appropriate face, then select it. Sometimes
    rotating the view to a different orientation ( one in which there are fewer
    possible selectable items under your cursor ) can make the selection easier.
    Brian, Jul 26, 2005
  5. Kevin Steele

    Muggs Guest

    You have that backwards.

    You need to what Jo has suggested.
    I fought with this for a long time until I figured it out. Actually I think
    someone figured it out for me as well.

    Muggs, Jul 27, 2005
  6. Kevin Steele

    Kevin Steele Guest

    Thats it -thanks. By holding down the shift key it lets me select
    edges/faces from the other parts while sketching in the case part. I
    thought it would be simple -but finding it isn't!.


    Kevin Steele, Jul 27, 2005
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