Sketches doesn't show up in graphic area.

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by John, Oct 20, 2004.

  1. John

    John Guest


    In order to create a variable section sweep in WF2, I draw a few
    sketches for the spinal and trajectory curves. The sketch features
    show in the model tree but not in the graphic area. I have to select
    the sketch in the model tree or rotate (MMB) the part to see these
    sketches. The sketches disappear again once clicking in an empty
    space of the graphic window, selecting something else or when the
    rotation is completed. Is this normal?

    Thanks for your time and help.
    John, Oct 20, 2004
  2. John

    dakeb Guest

    have you checked your layers?
    dakeb, Oct 20, 2004
  3. John

    Jeff Howard Guest

    WF2 ..... The sketch features show in the model tree
    It's not normal, but I don't have an answer.

    Graphics card issue? The curves showing when rotating the model might be a
    Jeff Howard, Oct 20, 2004
  4. John

    David Janes Guest

    Yeah, and is the sketch in the Model Tree hidden (greyed out)? If so, you can
    select it, RMB 'Unhide'

    : have you checked your layers?
    : : > Greetings:
    : >
    : > In order to create a variable section sweep in WF2, I draw a few
    : > sketches for the spinal and trajectory curves. The sketch features
    : > show in the model tree but not in the graphic area. I have to select
    : > the sketch in the model tree or rotate (MMB) the part to see these
    : > sketches. The sketches disappear again once clicking in an empty
    : > space of the graphic window, selecting something else or when the
    : > rotation is completed. Is this normal?
    : >
    : > Thanks for your time and help.
    David Janes, Oct 21, 2004
  5. John

    John Guest

    Thank you all for your suggestion and help.

    In answer to your questions:

    1. All the layers aren't hidden.
    2. The sketch isn't grayed out (not hidden)
    3. I could be wrong but I don't think it is a graphic issues.
    Effectively, I try the same file on three different computers (2
    desktops; one with 64MB ATI Radeon 7500 & one with 128MB NVidia Quadro
    XGL750 and 1 laptop with 32MB NVidia2 Go video cards) and I have the
    same result. However, I notice the following phenomenon the sketches
    show up in Wireframe in gray color, Hidden in blue color and not at
    all in No-Hidden & shade mode. May be this makes more sense and
    normal after all. Does anyone have installed WF2 build M040 on your
    machine? If so, could you sketches a few curves and let me know if
    they show up on your computer in all display modes?

    Thanks in advance for your time and help.
    John, Oct 22, 2004
  6. John

    Jeff Howard Guest

    "sketches show up in Wireframe in gray color,
    Hidden in blue color" .....

    How 'bout blue in Wireframe (normal for default sys color),
    gray in hidden (normal if they are being hidden)?

    "and not at all in No-Hidden & shade mode" .....

    Normal for some conditions, view settings, quilt HLR (?), etc.

    Check your settings: View / Display Settings / Model Display / Shade.

    From your original post:
    "I have to select the sketch in the model tree
    or rotate (MMB) the part to see these sketches."

    The "rotate" threw me, but hidden line removal isn't performed during
    rotation so hidden curves will show. This is apparent in No Hidden mode,
    which I seldom or never use in model mode.

    Sounds like you just need to sort thru your display settings. If you have
    trouble getting a handle on it start with a blank file, add curves, check
    settings and behavior, add a surface, check again, ......

    Jeff Howard, Oct 23, 2004
  7. John

    John Guest

    Thank you Jeff for your help.

    You're correct. I make a mistake. It's blue in wireframe and gray in

    "I have to select the sketch in the model tree or rotate (MMB) the
    part to see these sketches."

    This happens only in "no hidden" mode.

    After checking the display settings, shade, and enable shade with
    "datum curves" I can now see the sketches and curves. Is it possible
    to turn this thing on in

    While I am at it. Is it possible to change the shade "with edge"
    default color white to black definitively? I take a look at system
    color options and can't find the variable controlling the edge color.
    John, Oct 25, 2004
  8. John

    Jeff Howard Guest

    After checking the display settings, shade, and enable shade with
    shade_with curves (the default)
    That one's an iDunno. As far as I know there's no control over solid edge
    color (it's not always white, depends on part color).
    Jeff Howard, Oct 25, 2004
  9. John

    David Janes Guest

    : Thank you Jeff for your help.
    : You're correct. I make a mistake. It's blue in wireframe and gray in
    : hidden.
    : "I have to select the sketch in the model tree or rotate (MMB) the
    : part to see these sketches."
    : This happens only in "no hidden" mode.
    : After checking the display settings, shade, and enable shade with
    : "datum curves" I can now see the sketches and curves. Is it possible
    : to turn this thing on in
    : While I am at it. Is it possible to change the shade "with edge"
    : default color white to black definitively?

    I think it's called SHOW_SHADED_EDGES set to YES

    : I take a look at system
    : color options and can't find the variable controlling the edge color.

    'User friendly' always meant 'Windoze' to Unix programmers who made Pro/e for
    other Unix programmers, engineers, degreed software engineers and system
    administrators (i.e., people who had the luxury to make big bucks spending their
    working lives figuring out how PE actually worked while never actually having to
    use the software for anything and spoon-feeding these nuggets to the simpletons
    who DID use the software). IOW, you can spend years figgerin' this shit out. And
    still feel like you just scratched the surface........ The long view is required

    David Janes
    David Janes, Oct 26, 2004
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