Sketcher - Unit Size

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Charlie Eccles, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. Looking for a way to change the default unit size/scale when sketching - In
    other words, when sketching a rectangle I want the size of the rectangle to
    be 5 x 10 as opposed to 50 x 100 - I would like the setcher size to be in
    the ball park of my average model size

    Charlie Eccles, Dec 15, 2003
  2. I believe the first sketch in a part is roughly the size of a reference

    Reference plane sizes are configurable as long as there are no features in
    the part. Go to Tools->Options->View and change the ref plane size. Make
    this change in your template part and you should have the desired result.

    David Geesaman, Dec 15, 2003
  3. Charlie Eccles

    Arlin Guest

    I too would like a way to set the default empty model size, but your
    above instructions just take me to the settings.
    Arlin, Dec 15, 2003
  4. I understand the concept of changing the plane size but can not find the
    ref_plane_size setting in the Options settings
    Charlie Eccles, Dec 16, 2003
  5. Charlie Eccles

    David Janes Guest

    : In article <3fde175a$0$34629$>,
    : says...
    : > Go to Tools->Options->View
    : >
    : I too would like a way to set the default empty model size, but your
    : above instructions just take me to the settings.
    : --
    : Arlin
    : (remove '351' from email to reply)

    There may be some hidden option in WF or WFII to change the default "world" size,
    I haven't seen it but it's been requested for some time. As a dirty workaround,
    you can redefine the start part default datums, making the references to a radius,
    on the scale you'd like your "world" to be. In WF, there is a 'view' check box,
    which, when checked, allows you to change the radius. This may be what Geesaman
    was referring to.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Dec 16, 2003
  6. Charlie Eccles

    dakeb Guest

    Don't know what you are referring to here, there is no Tools->Options->View
    in my menu's, is that Wildfire?

    Do you mean datum plane? Datum planes are infinite. You can size datum
    planes, except those made on-the-fly, to visually fit a part, feature,
    surface, edge, axis, or radius.

    The first datum planes in my part appear to visually measure about 508
    drawing units in sketcher. Don't know how Proe sets that, but It would be
    useful to be able to change it.

    dakeb, Dec 16, 2003
  7. Charlie Eccles

    dakeb Guest

    Interestingly, with only default datums in the model, which are supposed to
    be infinite, Analysis/Model size shows a finite model size of 881.0254
    dakeb, Dec 16, 2003
  8. Charlie Eccles

    Pete Guest

    You CAN change the default datum plane size in Wildfire 1 and 2, and,
    by extension, the default sketcher scale.

    Open your start part, and select each default plane and do EDIT
    DEFINITION. On the DISPLAY tab, select ADJUST OUTLINE. For the
    RADIUS value, enter a small value, like 10 or 9 (the default is 500!).

    A 10" value gives you a sketcher scale of about 3:1, because of the
    max/min zoom ratio and because the actual size of the model window is
    maybe half that of the entire desktop.

    Here's the rub: The default planes will scale down to fit features
    and sketches smaller than the plane size, but WILL NOT scale up to
    larger features! So if you set the planes to 10" and draw a 50" part,
    the datum planes will be restricted to no more than 10", and will
    appear inside the model.

    Maybe there's a happy medium, 100" or 80" or something, depending upon
    the largest part you intend to build.

    Pete, Dec 16, 2003
  9. Charlie Eccles

    David Janes Guest

    : : >
    : > : > > I believe the first sketch in a part is roughly the size of a reference
    : > > plane.
    : > >
    : > > Reference plane sizes are configurable as long as there are no features
    : in
    : > > the part. Go to Tools->Options->View and change the ref plane size.
    : Make
    : > > this change in your template part and you should have the desired
    : result.
    : > >
    : >
    : > Don't know what you are referring to here, there is no
    : Tools->Options->View
    : > in my menu's, is that Wildfire?
    : >
    : > Do you mean datum plane? Datum planes are infinite. You can size datum
    : > planes, except those made on-the-fly, to visually fit a part, feature,
    : > surface, edge, axis, or radius.
    : >
    : > The first datum planes in my part appear to visually measure about 508
    : > drawing units in sketcher. Don't know how Proe sets that, but It would be
    : > useful to be able to change it.
    : Interestingly, with only default datums in the model, which are supposed to
    : be infinite, Analysis/Model size shows a finite model size of 881.0254
    : units.
    Yes, theoretically infinite, but with edges, so practically, at some arbitrary
    "world" size. As first features, default datums can be resized only with radius.
    When done in start parts, gives a better starting size, except that, in drawing
    mode, these radiuses show up in detailing. A config option to set the "world" size
    would be a benefit.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Dec 16, 2003
  10. My apologies to everyone. I absentminded answered this question for
    SolidEdge. I don't know the equivalent procedure in Wildfire.

    David Geesaman, Dec 16, 2003
  11. Got it and made the change - Thanks
    Charlie Eccles, Dec 16, 2003
  12. Charlie Eccles

    dakeb Guest

    Thanks Pete. This works in rel 2001 also, right click the datum plane, click
    'Attributes' done, click 'Fit Radius' done, enter a sensible value, enter.
    dakeb, Dec 17, 2003
  13. Charlie Eccles

    Pete Guest

    Datum planes ARE theory. In ProE, however, they
    are pre-set at 508.66". If you don't believe this, open up Wildfire
    2, create the defaults, and then rmb>edit definition and see what the
    values are in the width/height fields.

    Pete, Dec 17, 2003
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