sketched entity

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dbq, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. dbq

    dbq Guest

    I am using SW 2004. In drawing mode, I sketched a few entities. I
    later tried to delete them. I was able to delete all the entities
    except one (a vertical line). I tried unsuccessfully to put this
    entity on a layer and blank it. I did notice that the entity was
    related to a view (when I moved the view, the entity moved with it).
    Out of desperation, I gave the entity a dimension to an edge in the
    view, by giving it a very large dimension, this entity was no longer
    in my drawing boundary. But of course if you do a "fit all" it will
    show up on the screen. Outside of deleting the drawing and starting
    again, what could I have done?


    dbq, Oct 22, 2004
  2. Paul,
    You have to activate the view that the line is "attached" to to delete it.

    Richard Doyle, Oct 22, 2004
  3. To finish Richard's statement, do a RMB on the view and choose Lock View.
    This will then let you select objects that are tied to that view, but far
    enough away that the view loses the focus. Don't forget to Unlock it when
    done with that task.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 22, 2004
  4. dbq

    Per O. Hoel Guest


    While working in drawing mode (when the System Option "Dynamic drawing
    view activation" is ON), SolidWorks responds to the placements of your
    mouse cursor by automatically activating one of the drawing views. The
    view closest to the cursor is likely to be the one with which the
    sketched entities will be associated. This association will
    automatically shift to another view when the cursor reaches it,
    although the sketch entity will "belong" to the view which was
    activated with the beginning point of a line, for example.

    The user can manually "lock" one "view focus" or, alternately, the
    "sheet focus" to assure that entities sketched (or annotations added)
    are purposely associated with one or the other. The options can be
    found via use of the right mouse button pull-down menus (with the
    cursor over the view or sheet background).

    You will likely need to unlock a view (or lock the sheet) in order to
    delete the sketch entity you said can't be accessed. If one view is
    locked and the sketch entity is associated with another view (or the
    sheet), you won't be able to select the line, for example, without
    shifting the lock status.

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Oct 22, 2004
  5. Thanks Wayne, but I was finished (in my mind at least). And now after seeing
    Per's reply, I have to say:

    Why do you guys make it so bloody hard????

    I have always wondered who uses "Lock View Focus" and Lock Sheet Focus" and
    why. It's very simple to double-click a view to activate it, and to
    double-click the drawing border area to un-activate views. I have never set
    Dynamic View Activation to ON, nor do I intend to - I've seen notes fly
    around too many times on other peoples drawings.

    Seriously though, could someone explain the virtues or reasons behind using
    lock view and lock sheet?

    Richard Doyle, Oct 22, 2004
  6. Hmmm, interesting, obviously I answered from the "dynamic" side - always
    keep it on for ease of object placement. However, it appears this may be
    somewhat of a moot point as it appears that the Dynamic *option* is gone for
    2005. Go look up "view boundaries" and read.

    It appears that dynamic is always on and the color & style of the boundary
    indicates the status of the view. Double-clicking will lock/unlock the
    view, but I don't see any way to actually turn off the dynamic feature. The
    boundaries are not visible except when activated by passing by or locking.

    Now, on the good side, it also appears that if you have a note, etc.
    attached to a view, and that note ends up over another view, if you don't
    have some view locked, you can still pick up the note. Used to be that you
    had to find its owner view, lock it, and then go pick up the note. Now it
    appears to recognize that it needs to shift the focus to the note's parent
    view. Cool.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 22, 2004
  7. I hadn't noticed the "auto dynamic" thing. I like the new behavior of
    attaching notes to the view automatically if you place it inside the
    borders. You can even add multiple notes to multiple views, and as long as
    you place them inside the borders they will attach to that view. And it
    still works the old way for notes outside the view border - double-click to
    activate and the notes stay with the view.

    Man, this stuff just keeps getting better and better.

    Don't forget to sign up for SolidWorks World
    Richard Doyle, Oct 22, 2004
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