Sketch work flow and changes

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by CAD Junkie, Oct 5, 2005.

  1. CAD Junkie

    CAD Junkie Guest

    It has occured to me that it would be nice to be able to jump from one
    sketch to another with out having to exit the first. I am sure that a
    macro could be created to do just this with a hot key. But I am
    wondering if the functionality within the program makes sense to have

    So for example working in sketch 5 and I realize that I need to change
    someting in sketch 3. I have to exit sketch 5, go to sketch 3, change
    it to what I need it to be, exit sketch 3 re edit sketch 5 and then I
    can proceed. I know that in the grand scheme of things this might seem
    not such a big enhancement, but would be nice to have to help speed up
    overall work flow.

    Last but not least, imagine being able to switch to different configs
    at the assembly level with just a touch of the button. As of now you
    have to go into the components properties and change to the one you

    Maybe I am missing a few things so chime on in.
    CAD Junkie, Oct 5, 2005
  2. CAD Junkie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    In 2006 check out the new improved 3D sketching. This may do what you want.

    Ben Eadie, Oct 5, 2005
  3. CAD Junkie

    parel Guest

    You can already do exactly what you are doing when you customize your
    toolset. Tools>Customize >look in Features, there is an icon that is
    two green circles with arrows sets of arrows sticking out vertically
    and horizontally. The description says that it creates temporary
    handles to move, rotate and resize features.
    Another one of those hidden functionalities that is not accessible from
    the drop-down menus. It allows you to freely drag unconstrained
    sketches even when you are inside a sketch.
    Very useful- but only to those who design visually and then constrain
    at the end. As soon as you dimension points they are unmovable
    parel, Oct 6, 2005
  4. CAD Junkie

    modelsin3d Guest

    Hey guys,

    thanks for the input. I know about both of these tools. I have been
    using the move sive feature for sometime and the 3D sketcher is dammmm
    kewl, but that is diferent than what i was speaking about. This is
    about our work flow from one sketch to the next. I think the 3D
    sketcher is the next evolution is how we can work with the program but
    we shall have to wait and see how things pan out.
    modelsin3d, Oct 10, 2005
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