Sketch relations

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John H, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. John H

    John H Guest

    Is there a way of controlling which types of sketch relations are added
    automatically, and which are not? It seems you either have to have them all
    on or all off.

    I prefer to define lines to be parallel or perpendicular rather than
    horizontal/vertical, and it irks me no end that I have to manually delete
    the horiz/vert relations. In I-Deas, there is an RMB function that pops up
    a window with tick boxes for which relations you want it to create or
    recognise (the latter being a bit like the mates option "use for
    positioning only").

    I'm on SW2004 - has it been improved since then?
    Do people feel it would be worth an enhancement request?

    John Harland
    John H, Mar 28, 2006
  2. John H

    SW-Mike Guest

    I know of no way to do what you want. However what I do is draw my
    sketch away from anything that would capture any external relations.
    Draw your vertical and horizontal lines at a slight angle, then you can
    go back and add the ones you want. It will save you having to delete
    the relations you don't want. You could also turn off automatic
    relations in the options.

    Hope this helps.
    SW-Mike, Mar 28, 2006
  3. John H

    John H Guest

    Hi Seth,

    Thanks for the info - sounds like SW2006 will give exactly me what I'm
    looking for. I've not been pushing for us to upgrade (we have the
    discs/licenses) because of the ongoing bad press in this forum about the
    bugs. When there is a stable release I'll do the upgrade.

    John H, Mar 28, 2006
  4. John H

    John H Guest

    It seems every CAD vendor has at least one really bad release. For Autocad
    it was 13, for I-Deas it was 8 (though even that was pretty much sorted by
    sp3 !!).

    I'm new to SWX - are they usually this bad?

    John H, Mar 28, 2006
  5. John H

    Bo Guest

    I think it always takes 3-4 bug fixes to really stabilize an SP0
    release and I don't care whether it is Windows XP or MacOSX.

    I found SWks 2006 SP3.1 OK for me doing plastic part designs, and 3.4
    seems the same, because I didn't have any things "bugging me" in 3.1.

    Heavy intensive use of SWks and its add-ons means more irregularities
    will be found and maybe then SP4 or SP5 will be when things smooth
    out...each years release.

    In one way as a user, we bitch about this, but in another, this
    software is amongst the most complex a single user is likely to run.

    We always have the ability to "stand still" on say 2005 SP5 and wait
    2-3 years before upgrading. But then I would have missed the Mold Flow
    built in, which I find extremely valuable.

    Bo, Mar 28, 2006
  6. John H

    Bo Guest

    Hmmm, typed too fast.

    "We always have the ability to "stand still" on say 2005 SP5 and wait
    2-3 years before upgrading."

    I should have noted moving from 2004 to 2005 to get the Mold Flow

    Later - Bo
    Bo, Mar 28, 2006
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