prior session everything working normal ... open swx and work on existing subassy .... Editing Part1 in context of assembly and making a hole related to hole in Part2. Sketch relations seem to have disappeared, whether created automatically or manually, but only when relating to a hole or other circular feature in another component. When sketching a circle in Part1 everything appears normal, i.e. the plus icon appears when the cursor passes over the circular edge feature in Part2, and the new sketched circle is formed at the plus icon location, so the new Part1 circle is in the correct position. The problem is that the center point is not constrained. I can also convert entities from the Part2 feature to the Part1 sketch, and again, the circle looks right, but is not constrained. If I select the Part2 circle and the circle entity in Part1, there is no way to manually create a relation between the two. Relating the new sketch entity to line midpoints, vertices, etc still works, surprisingly. Tried different assemblies, restarted swx, rebooted machine, no change. Couldn't find any option settings that seemed relevant or had any effect. Copied subassy over to my laptop, and constraints work normal there. Comparing the two machines, couldn't find any differences in the screens for Tools>Options>System Options>Sketch and Relations/Snaps. Any ideas? Thanks, Bill