sketch relation remains attached to actual sketch elements

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steven, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. Steven

    Steven Guest

    I have a sketch consisting of a line with an arc at one end (like a "J"). I
    want to add another line that has one end that remains coincident with both
    the first two sketch elements (ie it can move along the entire length of
    the "J". If I add a coincident relation to the line part of the "J" the
    point will remain colinear with the line and if I add it to the arc of the
    "J" it will follow the virtual circle of the arc.
    In SW2004 is there a way to add a relation so that end of the second line
    a. follow the contour of the "J"
    b. not extend past either end of the "J".


    Steven, Jan 28, 2004
  2. Can't you also do the same thing with a composite curve? What are the pros
    & cons of each?


    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 28, 2004
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