Sketch Projection

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Primeau, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. Primeau

    Primeau Guest

    I'm trying to project a multi-contour sketch (multi-closed loops) that
    is on the default Top plane onto a surface that is at an angle of
    45deg from the Default Top plane. I want the projection to be
    perpendicular with the Top plane (If I do a projection in the sketcher
    environment from the 45deg plane I will get a projection perpendicular
    with the 45deg plane. That's not what I want.)
    How should I proceed?
    Primeau, Mar 9, 2005
  2. Primeau

    i_s_s_alpha Guest

    Have you tried right clicking (or Ctrl-C) the orignal sketch in the
    feature tree and pasting it on the plane you want it on?

    i_s_s_alpha, Mar 9, 2005
  3. Primeau

    i_s_s_alpha Guest

    Sorry, my method doesn't do what you want. The other guy had it right.

    i_s_s_alpha, Mar 9, 2005
  4. Primeau

    Bo Guest

    1. As noted in a prior thread from me yesterday, where I had a similar
    question, users pointed out that in the Extrude box, you can pick not
    only the surface to extrude to, but also a Vector (axis for instance),
    that is NOT perpendicular to the sketch plane.

    What I found, though, is that using a Vector to direct the sketch, you
    must extrude to a solid body (even if it is temporary and then
    deleted), as in SWks 2004 SP5, I can't make the vector extrude to a
    plane (so I put an object on it).

    2. Us Sweep and a Path curve or line to direct your sketch the way you

    Good Luck - Bo
    Bo, Mar 9, 2005
  5. Primeau

    \\/\\/im Guest

    You can do a extrude from sketch1 on the top plane upto the 45deg-plane
    (upto surface).
    Then add a sketch on the 45-deg plane and convert the entities from
    After this you can hide extrude1.
    Isn't this what you want?
    \\/\\/im, Mar 10, 2005
  6. Primeau

    Primeau Guest

    Yeah, it works. I extrude along a sketched vector and then create a
    new sketch and convert the entities. Even though it works, it's not
    very "clean", you need to hide the protrusion. I would have prefer to
    do it only with curve entities. Solidworks doesn't have a lot of
    options regarding curves and references geometry, I think.
    Thanks for your help.
    Primeau, Mar 11, 2005
  7. Primeau

    Andrew Troup Guest

    One way is to extrude the sketch as a surface, (kindof like dropping a
    curtain), then do an intersection curve where the resulting surface meets
    the 45 deg plane.
    If necessary, you can then convert the intersection curve to the plane so
    you have a 2D sketch to work with.
    Andrew Troup, Mar 17, 2005
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