Sketch Pattern Bug, I hope, this needs to be fixed.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Joe Sloppy, Jan 16, 2007.

  1. Joe Sloppy

    Joe Sloppy Guest

    Sketch Pattern works fine... only if your sketch with the reference
    points doesn't contain external relations to other parts. As soon as
    you delete any external relations in the sketch, its ok. I have an
    assembly and tried to mark cuts with sketch points in a part with
    another part but couldn't get the Sketch Pattern to work until I
    deleted the points external references. Why?
    Joe Sloppy, Jan 16, 2007
  2. Joe Sloppy

    Joe Sloppy Guest

    Nevermind this, I recreated everything and it works OK, now I just need
    to figure out what I did before that screwed me up.
    Joe Sloppy, Jan 16, 2007
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