Sketch hide features????

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by monty.mmontgomery, Jan 9, 2006.

  1. Is it possible to "hide" features when creating (or editing) a sketch?
    I am modeling a busy part. I want to create a sketch that is mostly
    hidden by other features; it is very difficult to draw sketch lines. I
    used an older version of Inventor and when a sketch was created all of
    the features normal to the sketch were automatically hidden. Does SW
    v2006 have this feature?

    monty.mmontgomery, Jan 9, 2006
  2. monty.mmontgomery

    ed1701 Guest

    You can use section view (view toolbar)
    You can hide bodies (go to the solid bodies folder)
    You can pick features from the tree and change colors to make them
    transparent, then remove the colors later.
    You can go work in wireframe
    You can change the color of part to make it somewhat or mostly

    Those are the ones I use, sort of in order that I use them (I don't
    like working in wireframe... tooo slow)
    ed1701, Jan 9, 2006
  3. monty.mmontgomery

    TOP Guest

    In addition to Ed's fine list here are a couple more things. Some are
    technique and some are settings.

    1. In Tools/Sketch Settings turn off automatic relations.
    2. In Tools/Options/Sketch turn off infer from model

    3. Create your sketch off to the side and when you have it working the
    way you want attach it to the model with appropriate relations.
    4. Don't work quite normal to the sketch plane so you can pick and
    choose underlying geometry when necessary.
    TOP, Jan 10, 2006
  4. monty.mmontgomery

    POH Guest

    Here's an additional tip for whether the part you are editing is open
    by itself or within an assembly:

    Use the display of a section view (View/Display/Section View) to slice
    the component(s) in a plane position and direction which will provide a
    clear view "underneath" the visually obscuring solid features.

    This, for example, makes it possible to more easily select an interior
    face on which to sketch and allows for cursor selection of any visible
    geometry (other than entities in the virtual section plane) for use in
    the sketch.

    It's even possible to reposition and/or rotate the section view plane
    while the sketch in progress is kept active! Creating a keyboard
    shortcut key assignment is quite helpful for toggling the section view

    This I find far easier than trying to select through transparency or
    having to hide and show parts via the Feature Manager.

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Jan 10, 2006
  5. monty.mmontgomery

    Monty Guest

    That's what I was looking for. Thank you


    Monty, Jan 11, 2006
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