Sketch has more than one open contour

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by gus, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. gus

    gus Guest

    I have a 2D sketch which has straight lines and splines - those
    entities are together supposed to form a closed shape, but I suspect
    there are gaps between the ends of the entities. When I attempt to
    extrude the sketch, I get "sketch has more than one open contour",
    which I suspect is because there are gaps in the sketch.

    I can't figure out how to merge or join the individual entities into
    one closed shape, and/or to eliminate the error in extruding. (I
    to close the gaps the splines would have to adjust some).

    Note I tried to use "repair sketch", but it didn't seem to do
    anything ....
    gus, Jul 13, 2005
  2. gus

    Kav Guest

    Hi Gus,

    Try Tools > Sketch Tools > Check sketch for feature... It might help..

    Kav, Jul 13, 2005
  3. gus

    TV Guest

    Or: RMB and select chain to identify gaps (where selection stops). If
    everything is selected, make one element temporarily construction
    geometry and you will be able to identify the last gap.

    TV, Jul 13, 2005
  4. gus

    gus Guest

    OK, I tried that. Feature usage is "base extrude", Contour
    type is "multiple disjoint closed", and the resulting message is
    "sketch has more than one open contour". I'm assuming the
    problem is "gaps", but I don't really know what the error
    message means .....
    gus, Jul 13, 2005
  5. gus

    Brian Guest

    Check to see if you have any short lines dangling from any corners.
    This sometimes happens to me, and you have to zoom in to every
    intersection to find them.
    Brian, Jul 13, 2005
  6. gus

    Bonobo Guest

    Duplicates can also cause the failure, as can very tiny objects, or
    accidental ones outside the normal viewing area.

    Sometimes I draw a circle around suspected intersection problems and
    Extend those lines and then Trim to revalidate the intersection.

    Bonobo, Jul 13, 2005
  7. gus

    TOP Guest

    In the 2D to 3D tools there is a sketch check tool that helps find
    duplicates and gaps.
    TOP, Jul 14, 2005
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