Skeleton model

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Andrea Willans, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. I would like to create a skeleton model as a base for an assembly. The
    problem is that the Skeleton option in the create component box is greyed
    Does anyone know why this is? (I,m using Wildfire)
    Andrea Willans, Apr 8, 2004
  2. Andrea Willans

    Zeta Guest

    Maybe its your license.
    Zeta, Apr 8, 2004
  3. I just used a skeleton model for the first time. What they are really good
    for is that they do not appear in BOMs and do not effect the assembly in an
    unhealthy way. Basically, you use the skeleton as a reference for all the
    parts you are designing so that they are all coordinated in size, position,
    clearances etc. I have tried the copy geometry function a few times
    (pre-Wildfire ... so I don't know if it is improved) and it stinks. You
    will have to do a little research but I think that there is no associativity
    when you do this.

    Alternatively, you can use datum planes and curves which you create as the
    first features in your assembly (or as a separate reference part). This
    method works well but can get confusing since these features are usually one
    dimensional in nature. If you work at it I am sure you can simulate 3
    dimensional curves somehow (I have done this by creating segments that are
    flat and linking them together).

    Another alternative is to build all of your parts in an assembly and they
    will all have dependencies on one another. This works but creates weird
    problems. For example:

    Your assembly consists of 3 parts assembled in the following order 1, 2, 3.
    Within these parts there is a relationship between feature 3 of part 3 to
    feature 27 of part 1. When you change feature 2 of part 3 (which is a
    parent of feature 27 in part 1) feature 3 of part 3 fails for no apparent
    reason. Much cursing follows (the FCC will not allow me to use the words
    that I would actually use in this instance so I will use a tried and true
    simulation stolen from "Peanuts" comic strips) AAAAGH##$$&@@@!!!

    How can this be when the part is further down the assembly tree? Simple the
    parent child relationship does not work like the simple linear tree we all
    know and love in individual parts. And the real treat is that if you want
    to alter just one part you have to have all the parts available to debug any
    problems you might run into. With a skeleton model you only change the
    skeleton and everything else follows (actually, this is rare because you
    usually forget something and ... you'll see the same problem from the
    previous paragraph).

    Here is something you might try (I haven't experimented with this myself bit
    it should work):
    1. Create a single "master" part with all the important building blocks as
    solids (for example: to make an interface between two parts create a thin
    feature equal to the clearance required with holes in it for the fasteners
    2. When this part is complete and you are satisfied with it save it as an
    IGES wireframe.
    3. Make this wireframe (not the part) the first part of your assembly and
    reference everything off of it while building the parts in assembly mode.
    The disadvantage is that it isn't really parametric but oh what fun you will

    If you can afford it I highly recommend getting the extensions that will
    allow you to use the skeleton method. I believe that it can be bundled with
    other useful things like surfacing (wonderful if it isn't abused),
    pro-notebook (used with skeletons this is an even better method) and
    sheetmetal for a "reasonable" price.
    Kevin Peterman, Apr 10, 2004
  4. Andrea Willans

    bellsouth Guest

    I must bow to a more experienced user in this arena.

    However, there is one detail that must be mentioned and that is if you are
    using any type of PDM software the master part method usually causes it to
    freak. If you are not using a PDM system but your customer is (and you want
    to exchange data) do a test first to make sure everything works before
    spending too much time on this method. (I know of this unfortunate problem
    due to personal experience with a subcontractor that used a master model ...
    Intralink, my PDM software, doesn't handle the situation properly and if I
    want to maintain this particular part ... well I haven't figured out how yet
    and it's been three years and quite a few PTC phone calls since.)
    bellsouth, Apr 11, 2004
  5. Andrea Willans

    Alex Sh. Guest

    Chris, I have Foundation Advantage which as far as I know is PTC's
    bare-bones starting package these days. I purchased it in the last days of
    R2001 as Foundation II. 'Pro Assembly Performance' option is part of it, and
    so, of course, is the Copy Geometry functionality. I might be wrong, but to
    my best knowledge this is the 'lowest end' Pro/E package one can buy these
    days. Based on that, you might be able to get your license upgraded to
    Foundation Advantage if not free, than for a nominal charge.
    What I do not understand is how you lost this option with Wildfire: if you
    had it, you must have had a package that at least corresponded to current
    Foundation Advantage, if not exceeded it. You might want to review your old
    package (the list of modules in your old license files) and compare it to
    Foundation Advantage. It might very well be that PTC has 'downgraded' your
    license either because some rep was out to make a commission on 'new' sales
    or through sheer incompetence. You might have a case you can argue with
    Alex Sh., Apr 13, 2004
  6. Andrea Willans

    David Janes Guest

    <snip> is there a spot on the PTC web
    : site that explicitly states which options are included in each of the
    : packages, and what features/capabilities are included in each option?
    began a thread on 3/18 on the topic of what's included in
    different license packages. I replied with a link to the PTC website where they
    give their spiel on Foundation Advantage and what's included. The interesting
    thing to me, though, is that they talk in general terms about functionality, but
    never mention modules. They never say, as does your license, that this package
    includes..... followed by a list of modules. They keep it deliberately a big
    mystery so they, or their sales reps, can play with it, goose it, stroke it, milk
    it for all it's worth, and occasionally, reward the worthy with some bonus, 'free'
    addons. Keeps you hooked up to the VARs and sales reps. Hmmm.... what is that I
    smell? Oh, yeah, just more stinking scams. OOppps, I guess I've screwed my chances
    of getting that Strategic Account Rep in Santa Clara, California.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Apr 14, 2004
  7. Andrea Willans

    Alex Sh. Guest

    Chris, here is what my Foundation Advantage license file lists:

    #PROE_3085046 1 Pro/ENGINEER Foundation Advantage (Found
    Wildfire Lic 01-jan-0 2A225707

    #START: License File for HOST ID ??-??-??-??-??-??

    #################### LOCKED License #####################
    # Serviceable = Mechanism Design
    # Serviceable = Pro/ENGINEER Foundation Advantage (Foundation II Wildfire
    # Feature Name = PROE_3085046
    # Feature Version = 24.0
    # Number of Copies = 0 (0 indicates locked licenses or modules)
    # Expiration Date = 01-jan-0 (this license does not expire)
    # Optional Modules = Pro/INTERFACE for CATIA
    # Optional Modules = Pro/FEATURE
    # Optional Modules = Pro/DETAIL
    # Optional Modules = Pro/INTERFACE
    # Optional Modules = WLO
    # Optional Modules = Pro/SURFACE
    # Optional Modules = Pro/PLOT
    # Optional Modules = Pro/LIBRARYACCESS
    # Optional Modules = Pro/ECAD
    # Optional Modules = Pro/REPORT
    # Optional Modules = Pro/CDT
    # Optional Modules = Pro/DATA for PDGS
    # Optional Modules = Pro/LEGACY
    # Optional Modules = Pro/INTERFACE for STEP
    # Optional Modules = Pro/WELDING
    # Optional Modules = Pro/PHOTORENDER
    # Optional Modules = Pro/WEB PUBLISH (> OR = 18.0)
    # Optional Modules = Pro/SHEETMETAL-DESIGN
    # Optional Modules = Pro/INTERFACE for CADDS 5
    # Optional Modules = Mechanism Design License
    # Optional Modules = 4DNavigator License
    # Optional Modules = Import Data Doctor
    # Optional Modules = Design Animation
    # Optional Modules = ModelCHECK License
    # Optional Modules = Pro/ASSY_PERFORMANCE

    Now, I've never used Copy Geom or Shrinkwraps in R2001 or earlier, so I
    don't exactly know what their full functionality is supposed to be. But I
    have used Shrinkwrap a couple of times in Wildfire with this license (In
    Assembly mode, 'File', 'Save A Copy', then select the Shrinkwrap from the
    pulldown list of available file types). I have also used Copy Geom, which is
    now under 'Insert', 'Shared Data', 'Copy Geometry from Other Model...'. So
    most certainly one does not need an AAX for at least these two features.
    I have checked on the PTC website and the Foundation Advantage is THE most
    basic (read: bare-bones) Pro/E license available these days. It was also a
    standard license PTC gave to former owners of Foundation II in the days of
    What does your license file say, Chris? If the modules I've listed are in
    it, Shrinkwrap and Copy Geom should be available to you. Are the menu picks
    I've listed simply not there or greyed out?
    Alex Sh., Apr 14, 2004
  8. Andrea Willans

    Alex Sh. Guest

    I took the liberty and pasted our license files side-by-side.
    Here is what I came up with.
    The lines of plain text are the lines taken from your license; the lines
    beginning with > # are the lines from mine.

    Here goes:

    As you can see, you have more modules than I. My license does not include
    Interactive Surface Design, Pro/Scan Tools, and Pro/Composite modules. One
    module that I have and you don't is WLO. I have no idea what it is;
    hopefully, somebody on this ng will be able to explain this abbreviation.
    As I have said in my earlier post, my license is a Foundation Advantage, the
    most basic license of Pro/E currently available. It most certainly does NOT
    include AAX, but Copy Geometry and other picks that are greyed out in your
    Wildfire under 'Insert', 'Shared Data', are all working in mine. And since
    my license is not a result of an upgrade from a group of modules separately
    purchased previously, but a STANDARD node-locked Pro/E Foundation Advantage
    license, you can be sure that EVERY user who has Foundation Advantage has a
    license that looks like mine and gives the same functionality. So whoever is
    telling you that you need AAX for the stuff you are missing is either lying
    or doesn't know what they are talking about.
    Hope this helps in your negotiations with your rep.
    Alex Sh., Apr 15, 2004
  9. Andrea Willans

    Alex Sh. Guest

    Jeff, My WF date code is 2002490, rather old, but I've never had any reasons
    to update it. My license is, of course, commercial, too. I use node-locked
    license because I am a one-man company and therefore have no need to float
    my licenses over the network to share them with anybody. A node-locked
    license gives me an additional small benefit of avoiding an (admittedly very
    low) overhead of FlexLM.
    As I have said, I have no idea what the WLO module is. This information can
    probably be found somewhere on the PTC website, but my maintenance contract
    has expired 4 months ago, and with it my ability to access member areas of
    PTC website. Sometime soon, probably when the WF2 comes out, I'll be
    renewing my contract and will be able to research this issue. Until then,
    somebody else will have to do it.
    As soon as I open a part or create a new part in WF, the items in the
    submenu under 'Insert'=>''Shared Data'=> become available. This submenu
    contains 'From File', 'Publish Geometry', 'Copy Geometry from Other Model',
    'Shrinkwrap from Other Model', 'Merge from Other Model', 'Cutout from Other
    Model', 'Inheritance from Other Model'. Of these items, only 'Cutout from
    Other Model' is greyed out. Of the available choices I personally have only
    used 'Copy Geometry from Other Model' to create one-part copies of the
    outside geometry of assemblies I've been designing jigs and fixtures for. So
    I am pretty sure Copy Geometry works just fine, but cannot say whether the
    rest are completely functional or are simply not greyed out. Maybe somebody
    else on this NG who uses Foundation Advantage can expand on these other
    In the assembly mode this same submenu contains 'From File', 'Copy
    Geometry', 'Shrinkwrap', 'Publish Geometry', 'Copy Geometry from Other
    Model', 'Shrinkwrap from Other Model'. Of these items, 'Copy Geometry' and
    'Shrinkwrap' are greyed out, everything else is available.
    Now bear in mind that in WF what is available and what is greyed out often
    depends on what (if anything) is selected in the graphics area. All above
    descriptions are for situations in which NOTHING has been selected yet. I
    would not be surprised if some of my greyed-out items are this way because
    Pro/E is waiting for me to select some geometry before it activates them.
    The particular 'Copy Geometry from Other Model' in my case has always been
    used in the same way: I would create an empty part using my template with
    all necessary datum planes, layers, parameters, etc., but without any
    geometry. Then I would copy the geometry from some assembly into this part,
    creating a simpler, lighter representation of this assembly.

    I hope this answers your question.
    Alex Sh., Apr 16, 2004
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