Site Plan (autocad 2004)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by tomwesnick, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. tomwesnick

    tomwesnick Guest

    Was wondering if anyone can help me draw two arcs (curves) in AutoCAD
    2004. Here is the information I have for the first curve
    Radius=1103.75' Length=155.38' Chord=155.25' Bearing=n85d15'34" w. The
    second curve is radius=30.00' length 46.84' chord 42.23' bearing
    n44d33'40" w. I am sure you can tell I am a novice. So any help would
    be appreciated. Thanks
    tomwesnick, Jan 23, 2007
  2. tomwesnick

    strawberry Guest

    Well, here's how I'd do it:

    Draw a circle (C1) of the specified radius.
    Draw another circle (C2) with its centrepoint on a quadrant of the
    first circle and radius equal to the specified chord length.
    Draw a line from the centre of circle C2 to one of the points at which
    it intersects circle C1. This is the chord.
    Delete circle C2 and trim circle C1 to the chord.

    I haven't use degrees minutes and seconds in a long, long time - but I
    think these are arcminutes and arcseconds measured counterclockwise
    from north.
    If so, for each bearing, draw a vertical line and rotate it by it's
    southernmost handle through 85.259 & 44.561 degrees respectively. You
    should be able to figure out how to align the chords with these
    strawberry, Jan 24, 2007
  3. tomwesnick

    strawberry Guest

    That's a much better way! In fact, using this principle you can make it
    even simpler:

    a <click on screen> e @155.38<n85d15'34"w r 1103.75
    strawberry, Jan 25, 2007
  4. tomwesnick

    tomwesnick Guest

    Thank-you! Great Help
    tomwesnick, Jan 25, 2007
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