site is up again, and blog link

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by matt, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. matt

    matt Guest

    My site has been down for a while, and I'm just getting it back up. I
    had to learn a few simple html things. I'm afraid there's more to learn,
    but it's up and running for now. I've culled a few things out of it,
    some links that no longer work, contact info (if you want to get my
    attention, just send an email with a subject that doesn't look like
    spam) and resume.

    Some of the content is still a little dated, but I don't have much time
    right now for this sort of writing. I'll get it caught up during those
    harsh Virginia winter months ;ob

    I've also been getting a blog rolling. Several of the other blogs are
    tech tips and things like that which are great, but I really cover that
    ground on the website. The blog is pretty much just commentary, and
    maybe a laugh here and there. Check it out.
    matt, Sep 26, 2006
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