Simulation continuing from where the previous one left off.

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by dati_remo, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. dati_remo

    dati_remo Guest

    I accidentally simulated my large design for 65ns instead of the required 75ns.
    Is there a way to simulate a design for the time 65ns to 75ns, starting from the
    previous simulations' state?

    Thanking you,

    dati_remo, Jul 20, 2004
  2. dati_remo

    fogh Guest

    If you are using spectre, there is, look for "checkpoint" in your spectre docs. But be careful: we have seen differences between the resumed simulation and the "real thing". Possibly caused by device models, because the checkpoint contains information about currents & potentials (charges, fluxes) in the network, but no info about the state of compact models.

    Any expert here can confirm that compact models have a state? that they are not instantaneous and can show some transient effects ?
    fogh, Jul 20, 2004
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