Simulating VHDL in AMS

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Taimur, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Taimur

    Taimur Guest

    Is it possible to simulate digital VHDL in AMS? I simulate Verilog
    among a analogic circuit without any problem. But, when I put a vhdl
    file in the same place, the following errors appear.

    SOFTINCLUDE ../../affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/cds.lib
    ncvlog: *W,DLCIML (/opt/cadence/IUS62/tools/inca/files/cds.lib,10):
    cds.lib CDS.LIB file included multiple times '/mnt/debian/opt/cadence/
    IUS62/tools.lnx86/affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/cds.lib' (cds.lib
    command ignored).
    file: /home/usuarios/taimur/silicon/wkams/cont_vhdl/cds_globals/
    `include "disciplines.vams"
    ncvlog: *E,COFILX (/home/usuarios/taimur/silicon/wkams/cont_vhdl/
    cds_globals/counter_tb_config/verilog.vams,8|26): cannot open include
    file '/opt/cadence/IC612/tools/spectre/etc/ahdl/disciplines.vams'.
    electrical \gnd! ;
    ncvlog: *E,EXPLPA (/home/usuarios/taimur/silicon/wkams/cont_vhdl/
    cds_globals/counter_tb_config/verilog.vams,13|20): expecting a left
    parenthesis ('(') [12.1.2][7.1(IEEE)].
    module cont_vhdl.cds_globals:counter_tb_config
    errors: 1, warnings: 0
    Total errors/warnings found outside modules and primitives:
    errors: 1, warnings: 1
    Failed to compile ('cont_vhdl' 'cds_globals' 'counter_tb_config').
    ncvhdl: 06.11-s005: (c) Copyright 1995-2007 Cadence Design Systems,
    SOFTINCLUDE ../../affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/cds.lib
    ncvhdl: *W,DLCIML (/opt/cadence/IUS62/tools/inca/files/cds.lib,10):
    cds.lib CDS.LIB file included multiple times '/mnt/debian/opt/cadence/
    IUS62/tools.lnx86/affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/cds.lib' (cds.lib
    command ignored).
    SOFTINCLUDE ../../affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/cds.lib
    ncvhdl_p: *W,DLCIML (/opt/cadence/IUS62/tools/inca/files/cds.lib,10):
    cds.lib CDS.LIB file included multiple times '/mnt/debian/opt/cadence/
    IUS62/tools.lnx86/affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/cds.lib' (cds.lib
    command ignored).
    ncvhdl_p: *F,DLUNNE: Can't find STANDARD at /opt/cadence/IUS62/tools/
    Failed to compile ('cont_vhdl' 'counter' 'entity').
    ncvhdl: 06.11-s005: (c) Copyright 1995-2007 Cadence Design Systems,
    SOFTINCLUDE ../../affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/cds.lib
    ncvhdl: *W,DLCIML (/opt/cadence/IUS62/tools/inca/files/cds.lib,10):
    cds.lib CDS.LIB file included multiple times '/mnt/debian/opt/cadence/
    IUS62/tools.lnx86/affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/cds.lib' (cds.lib
    command ignored).
    SOFTINCLUDE ../../affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/cds.lib
    ncvhdl_p: *W,DLCIML (/opt/cadence/IUS62/tools/inca/files/cds.lib,10):
    cds.lib CDS.LIB file included multiple times '/mnt/debian/opt/cadence/
    IUS62/tools.lnx86/affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/cds.lib' (cds.lib
    command ignored).
    architecture behavioral of counter is
    ncvhdl_p: *E,ENNOFN (/home/usuarios/taimur/silicon/wkams/cont_vhdl/
    counter/behavioral/vhdl.vhd,5|33): Intermediate file for entity
    'COUNTER' could not be loaded, entity may require re-analysis.
    errors: 1, warnings: 0
    ncvhdl_p: *W,SPUNFW: specific library unit was never processed
    Failed to compile ('cont_vhdl' 'counter' 'behavioral').
    ncvlog: 06.11-s005: (c) Copyright 1995-2007 Cadence Design Systems,
    SOFTINCLUDE ../../affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/cds.lib
    ncvlog: *W,DLCIML (/opt/cadence/IUS62/tools/inca/files/cds.lib,10):
    cds.lib CDS.LIB file included multiple times '/mnt/debian/opt/cadence/
    IUS62/tools.lnx86/affirma_ams/etc/connect_lib/cds.lib' (cds.lib
    command ignored).
    file: /home/usuarios/taimur/silicon/wkams/cont_vhdl/counter_tb/
    `include "disciplines.vams"
    ncvlog: *E,COFILX (/home/usuarios/taimur/silicon/wkams/cont_vhdl/
    counter_tb/schematic/verilog.vams,4|26): cannot open include file '/
    module cont_vhdl.counter_tb:schematic
    errors: 0, warnings: 0
    Total errors/warnings found outside modules and primitives:
    errors: 1, warnings: 1
    Failed to compile ('cont_vhdl' 'counter_tb' 'schematic').
    Compilation failed.
    Successfully compiled: 0
    Failed to compile: 4

    Can somebody help me? Is there one more step that I should do to
    simulate vhdl through ams?

    Thanks in advance.
    Taimur, Jun 26, 2008
  2. Taimur wrote, on 06/26/08 22:16:
    You have two separate problems. One is that it is getting confused when it tries
    to find the "ncroot" (i.e. the root of the ncsim installation). This is because
    you have <IC612instDir>/tools/bin/ncroot present. The reason this is present is
    because you did NOT do the "configuration" step when IC612 was installed. The
    configuration step will do various things, including compiling some libraries,
    but importantly it removes the nc* links from tools/bin. The nc commands are in
    the IC installation to support VHDL import now, which uses ncvhdl rather than

    The second problem is that the VHDL cannot compile because the VHDL libraries in
    the IUS installation have not been compiled. This is also because (most likely)
    the configuration step hasn't been performed on your IUS62 installation.

    It is important to run the configuration step with many installations to finish
    off the installation. That hasn't happened here, and that's why it is breaking.
    Note that the same would be needed in order to run a straight digital VHDL
    simulation, so it's not unique to AMS.


    Andrew Beckett, Jun 27, 2008
  3. Taimur

    Taimur Guest

    Thank you, Andrew. In fact, I solved this problem setting the
    environmental variable LVSHOME to the IUS path. But I didn't know that
    it was some defects in my installation. I very apreciate your help.
    Taimur, Jun 28, 2008
  4. Taimur wrote, on 06/28/08 18:09:
    Hmm. I can't see how that would help! I presume LVSHOME must be something unique
    to your environment - it's nothing to do with the Cadence tools.

    Andrew Beckett, Jul 1, 2008
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