Simulate extracted view

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Konx, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. Konx

    Konx Guest


    I have a problem in simulating the extracted view of my block.

    I have a schematic, where I'm using:
    - a symbol representing a verilog testbench
    - a symbol representing a block called Pixel
    - a symbol representing a block called Oscillator

    I'm able to perform simulation with ADE L if the view that I use for
    Pixel and Oscillator is the schematic view (and the simulation is

    But when I switch to extracted view, for both Pixel and Oscillator,
    the simulation runs, but is wrong because the Pixel now has zero
    voltage on the VDD! and VSS! nets.

    Any ideas?


    Konx, Aug 26, 2009
  2. Konx

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Francesco,

    It looks like you have an inherited connection problem.
    Are using implicit inherited connections and adding a netSet on your
    symbols ?
    BTW, Am I right in assuming that you are using AMS Designer as a
    simulator as well (or maybe spectreVerilog) since you are having a
    verilog bloc. This is not likely to interfere with your problem, just
    for me to know which simulator you are using.
    Answering above questions would be useful for the community to help
    you out with this issue although the inherited connection bit would
    suffice I suppose.

    Looking forward for your feedback,
    Riad KACED, Aug 26, 2009
  3. Konx

    Konx Guest


    Thanks for the answer :)

    Unfortunately, I'm a real newbie of design/simulation, so...well, can
    you explain your question a little bit in depth? :)

    For what I can understand, yes, I'm using implicit inherited
    connections (I mean, I just create the extracted view starting with
    the layout, see after) but I add no netSet to my symbol.

    The original symbol (let's say, the one I used in schematic
    simulation) has no explicit VDD! and VSS! pin (only pins like clock,
    trigger, pixel_in etc...) but is working.
    I'm using spectreVerilog.

    To explain better what I'm doing:

    I have a complete layout of the Pixel block (DRC and LVS are clean, so
    no errors). Then, I use Layout XL to produce a so-called av_extracted
    view. What I've done is: open Layout XL then go to Assura --> Run RCX.

    In this window I have many tabs: the only thing I change is in
    Extraction tab, where I put my Ref Node to VSS!. (other parameters are
    there as default, as, for example, the directory where the LVS run is
    located, in Run details tab).

    Then I click Ok, and I have the av_extracted as result. (so, in the
    library manager now I have a cell that has schematic, layout,
    extracted and symbol view).

    In another cell I use this Pixel in a schematic, so I just change, in
    the config file, the view to use from schematic to extracted (I
    followed some explanation I found on the web and the cadence help,

    After this, I open the schematic (using the config view), set my
    simulator (specteVerilog), set the libraries I have to use (the same
    library I used in the simulation with the schematic view), choose the
    analisys (transient) and run.

    Simulator starts but, as I said, no VDD! or VSS! signals are visible
    when I plot them (I use Output to Plot --> select on schematic, and
    then I open the extracted view and select the ground and power nets).

    Sorry for this long message, but I prefer to explain what I'm doing
    because maybe I make a mistake somewhere in the process :)

    Thanks for help

    Konx, Aug 26, 2009
  4. Konx

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Francesco,

    Thank you for your detailed explanation.
    Pretty hard to debug your stuff but I'm going to give it an
    attempt ...
    You said that when your simulate the schematic of the Pixel then
    everything's alright.
    According to your description of the Pixel symbol, I conclude that you
    are very likely to be simulating it at HDL level, not transistor
    level. In other words, the pixel should have been tied to a verilog
    view. In this case, no Power/Grounds are needed as long as the
    behavior of your block is well defined. But when it comes to simulate
    Physical designs, like a Post-Layout view, then you definitely need to
    define the Power/Grounds and set them up to the correct voltages in
    your testbench. is that any clear for you ?
    In fact, if you look at your Post-Layout simulation log, you must find
    that Spectre would complain about floating VDD/VSS or whatever your
    pwr/gnd nets.
    When you create your layout, you should have Pwr/Gnd pins, say VDD/VSS
    (without the ! sign as id does not make sens to have a Global signal
    in a physical layout). You the define these Power/Ground on your
    symbol using a netSet on your symbol for example. Look at the
    following post for more information on the inherited connection

    My advice: Compare the netlist and more importantly the simulation
    logs to see whether Spectre does report any extra warnings in the case
    where the simulation did not work.

    waiting for your feedback !

    Riad KACED, Aug 26, 2009
  5. Konx

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Francesco,

    Just had a quick thought this morning ...
    Assuming your Pixel schematic is made of a diode and some logic
    around, just guessing ... you might give some information about this.
    Assuming the logic used in the Pixel schematic is bind to verilog
    views in the HED.
    First thing you can do is to change the binding of your logic to
    Spectre views and simulate the transistor level before stepping to the
    extracted view stage. Does this make sense for you ?

    BTW, the ref node VSS! you have set in the RCX is used to calculate
    the values of parasitic caps to ground. I can hardly see any
    interaction with you problem here.

    Riad KACED, Aug 27, 2009
  6. Konx

    Konx Guest


    Thanks for your answers :) I'm studying the manual and I'm trying to
    do new simulations with different setup...still not working, but at
    least I'm exploring new way.

    Anyway, let's explain better the situation.

    - Pixel hierarchy: top-level is symbol, where I have all the pins
    (clock, trigger, pixel_in, pixel_out, token, reset, oscillator_in,
    oscillator_out, etc...). If you descend hierarchy, you can see that
    Pixel is using 4 basic component: 3 counters (called fast, tot, slow)
    and a controller. The 3 counters have only schematic view (let's say:
    the designer made the counters using flip-flop, MUX, NAND and so on
    using component from a digital library). The controller has been
    written using verilog, then extractin the netlist from the verilog
    code. All this stuff is connected together.

    - In the pixel_testebench_schematic I use 3 block: the symbol of the
    Pixel, the symbol of the oscillator (oscillator is provided as it is
    by another designer), the symbol of testbench and obviously there are
    global power and ground (we have 2 power: VDD! and VDD1!...VDD1! is
    for oscillator, VDD! for Pixel). The testbench is written in verilog.

    So, if I understand correctly, I don't think that Pixel is bind to
    verilog view, but it is bind to schematic view (because all Pixel
    components are using schematic view).

    Well, more or less, I would say that is clear. In fact, during the
    simulation with the schematic view I have not power or ground
    connections coming out from Pixel symbol (I have clock, trigger,
    etc...pins, but not VDD pins).

    When I use extracted view I need this pin.
    I created this pins in layout view, but when I create the extracted
    view I can't see them anymore. (weird)

    Then I define the netSet properties, but still, simulation doesn't
    work.(again, weird)

    Anyway, this post is just to give you a small feedback, because given
    that I'm a newbie of Cadence I need more time to study how things work
    and understand in a better way your advices :)

    Really, really, thanks for your help, I'll study the manual and make
    some try with these new hints!

    Konx, Aug 27, 2009
  7. Konx

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Francesco,

    Your detailed explanation confirms my thoughts, i.e your are not
    simulating your design at transistor level. Having your Pixel as a
    schematic does not mean anything, what really matters is the what the
    leaf cells are bind to in the HED. Assuming the right switch/stop view
    lists from the spectreVerilog template, I bet none of your leaf cells
    is bind to a Spectre view. At this stage, I would encourage you
    looking at how to work with inherited connections. You have to set the
    right property name/value when your define the netSet in order to get
    the connectivity well propagated.

    Just out of interest, can you look at:
    1. Whether you have got schematic views for your digital cells, say
    the NAND.
    2. Or whether the Spectre view has the same pins as the Symbol for
    your digital cells, say the NAND. In case you have not a schematic
    view, you must have a Spectre model file that includes your digital
    libraries, you can give a look at this file to see what PWR/GND pins
    are used for say the NAND.

    I leave for you as per now, I'm pretty much sure you'll be able to
    sort yourself out :)

    Riad KACED, Aug 27, 2009
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