Simple way of making Golf Ball with Solidworks!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by abab, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. abab

    Heikki Leivo Guest

    Yeah, a very good idea, indeed!

    The hardest part would be to find challenging models every month...
    Heikki Leivo, Mar 10, 2006
  2. abab

    Jean Marc Guest

    I will participate only if some of you guys have an handicap, kind of:
    modelling with the monitor turned off... ;=}}}
    Jean Marc, Mar 10, 2006
  3. abab

    TOP Guest

    How about this for a start:

    Since SW is a SolidModeler why not try modeling a solid, an Archimedian
    solid. Here is a link to the truncated icosahedron. see for a
    A. The model must be circumscribed by a 1meter spherical surface
    B. Changes to the circumscribing sphere must correctly change the
    truncated icosahedron.

    Here are the rules (subject to change as agreed upon):

    1. Send an email to TOP via google groups when you start. The subject
    should be MARCH2006 Model Challenge.
    2. TOP will reply and return a real email address and with any
    necessary files or information.
    3. Complete the challenge
    4. zip and send back to TOP

    1. Correctness
    2. Fewest features (including sketches)
    3. Simplest
    4. Robustness
    5. Models that work without equations or design tables preferred
    6. In the case of anything like a tie, first one done and vote by the
    7. This is for fun, please indicate how much fun you had on the
    TOP, Mar 10, 2006
  4. abab

    TOP Guest

    Call me Euclidian, but don't call me late for dinner. I think ruler,
    compass and straightedge is appropriate for this one. Future models may
    be different.

    There is nothing bad about equations in general, but they shouldn't be
    needed here. In fact a future challenge should maybe emphasize
    equations. What do you think?
    TOP, Mar 10, 2006
  5. abab

    TOP Guest

    Now, how about the driven by the circumscribing spherical surface?
    TOP, Mar 10, 2006
  6. abab

    Cliff Guest

    I'd consider a general, extendable method best -- one that only only
    needs the input of each independant variable once into the logic.
    After all, it's a parametric solids modeler ... and good design practices
    are involved in good design.
    Cliff, Mar 11, 2006
  7. abab

    Cliff Guest

    BTW, I strongly suspect that a non-uniform dimple pattern
    will cause balls to curve in odd ways ....
    Cliff, Apr 1, 2006
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