Simple way of making Golf Ball with Solidworks!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by abab, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. abab

    ed1701 Guest

    yes, tedious, but fascinating. Modeling the ball is dull - just
    patterning/mirroring a bunch of revolved cuts (yawn, and yes Cliff, I
    tried it).
    But trying to project an icosehedron on a sphere was quite educational.
    One thing that caught me up in a big way was that, though you can
    split a 2D triangle up into four identical 2D triangles, it doesn't
    work that way on an equalaterial triangle on the face of the sphere
    (which I didn't catch until wasting a fair amount of time)! The
    phenomenon even shows up on the wikepedia (or whatever the reference
    was that you posted) picture - if you look closely, the small triangles
    (with the smaller dimples) aren't equalateral, and the spacing between
    the dimples requires a little adjustment.
    There were some otehr fun geoemtry tricks and gimmicks to pull this one
    out, but its really about the icosehedron.

    So, thanks for the reference info, Paul. Not a bad way to burn time on
    a plane.
    ed1701, Mar 6, 2006
  2. abab

    Cliff Guest

    No need for projection, which would introduce trig errors.
    Just get them the same "diameter" to begin with such that either
    the vertexes or the face centerpoints lie on the sphere.
    Then do the same with other icosehedrons rotated in 3D
    about the center of the sphere.
    Solid trig?
    Not even in planar geometry IIRC.
    Random guesses.
    Tried other Platonic solids too?
    Cliff, Mar 7, 2006
  3. abab

    Heikki Leivo Guest

    No need for projection, which would introduce trig errors.
    It would be interesting to see your version of the golf ball, Cliff (if you
    modeled it...). At least in my version only a tiny piece of one icosahedron
    was needed, and still the result (eg. dimple distribution) was pretty good.
    Of course you can use multiple, whole icosahedrons but it sounds quite
    tedious to me.

    Heikki Leivo, Mar 7, 2006
  4. The "optimal" position of N dimples on a sphere can be found on
    Import the table in Excel, do some math to obtain the XYZ locations
    of the points, export to .csv and use one of the many macros around
    to read the points in a 3D Sketch. Then use the HoleWizard to create
    the dimples.
    Ensure you don't violate any patent on the dimples patterns, there
    are MANY patents on the topic :)
    Philippe Guglielmetti
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Mar 7, 2006
  5. abab

    Cliff Guest

    I pointed out a way to decide the number of possible regular dimple
    locations based on Platonic solids and checked a few suggested
    Given that as a hint .... <G>.
    Do they fudge gold balls?
    Cliff, Mar 7, 2006
  6. abab

    Cliff Guest

    4-dimensional arrangements, 5-dimensional arrangements, 6-dimensional
    arrangements, 7-dimensional arrangements, 8-dimensional arrangements,
    9-dimensional arrangements, 10-dimensional arrangements, 11-dimensional
    arrangements, 12-dimensional arrangements, 13-dimensional arrangements,
    14-dimensional arrangements, 15-dimensional arrangements, 16-dimensional
    arrangements, 17-dimensional arrangements, 18-dimensional arrangements,
    19-dimensional arrangements, 20-dimensional arrangements, 21-dimensional
    arrangements, 22-dimensional arrangements, 23-dimensional arrangements,
    24-dimensional arrangements, higher-dimensional arrangements,
    Cliff, Mar 7, 2006
  7. abab

    ed1701 Guest

    " But I don't think you got good results <G>. "
    Ummm... what makes you say that? My model is consistent with the
    patent and the posted images on It is also rigourously
    precise - I don't just throw some crap down and call it 'close enough'
    - there is no educational value to that. As I told Paul, if its worth
    doing, its worth doing to ten decimal places.
    the only thing I didn't do is insure that the dimple depth is 5.7% of
    the diamnter (or whatever the hell it is - I do not have the patent
    here). The locations are interesting - the depth to diameter ratio is
    trivial (one equation away form setting that up).

    I was writing quick on the road - you are correct that projection
    doesn't cut it. I pointed that out to Paul a few posts back (maybe

    The underlying icosehedron needs to be calculated to find the correct
    intersection points on the sphere. then its an excercise in layout.
    The icosehedron was fun - I like to use a single 2D sketch to derive
    this stuff instead of using equations or looking up angles in some
    reference. I can do an icosehdron in a few features now.

    "> One thing that caught me up in a big way was that, though you can
    To quote yourself, 'did you try it?". It will take maybe 30 seconds
    for you to prove to yourself that a planar equalateral triangle can be
    broken up into four equalateral triangles.

    Bullshit, its not random guesses. Try to model the fucking thing.
    There is nothing random about my exploration of this problem

    ">There were some other fun geoemtry tricks and gimmicks to pull
    this one
    Nope. The guy asked about a golf ball, so I went off a reference for a
    golf ball. I have no interest in modeling every possible golf ball
    becasue, as I have said several times at this point, modeling a
    golf-ball-looking-object is boring - just an excercise in a few revolve
    cuts and some patterning. This one was worth the time because (a), I
    had time to kill on the plane and (b) it was a defined pattern and (c)
    I figured it had some educational posiblilities regarding layout of
    subdivsions of an icoshedron as they translate onto a sphere. I am
    quite fond of the precision I acheived. The three large dimples at the
    center of the icosehdron are dead on, and I learned that (due to the
    FACT that you can't subdivide that arced face into four equalateral
    segments that can project back to the center of the sphere) some design
    judgment needs to be applied - in this case, coming up with 3-D
    sketches that insure that the axes of the smaller dimples, when
    considered as pairs, are equally distant to the major intersecting

    I can't speak for Heikki, but I have no problem sharing hte model I
    made. Anyone got a website to host? (we use DimonteGroup for
    presentations, not little stuff like this - BTW, I still have to get
    the final versions of this years SWx World stuff up there.. I haven't

    ed1701, Mar 8, 2006
  8. abab

    neil Guest

    you seem to be up late Ed...
    I am pleased you haven't forgotten about posting your SWW presentations.
    Looking to download more valuable insights sometime soon :eek:)
    neil, Mar 8, 2006
  9. abab

    Heikki Leivo Guest

    I can't speak for Heikki, but I have no problem sharing hte model I
    Of course I am ready to share my model, too - especially if Cliff is going
    to share his model as well <G>. My model is not a precise copy of golf ball,
    since I was just interested about the idea of how a such thing is modeled.
    If the model works it is just a matter of patience and measuring to get the
    dimensions right; I did not have a real golf ball and proper measuring
    device to use.

    Heikki Leivo, Mar 8, 2006
  10. The golf ball thing came up in this group last year. Here is part of a
    discription I posted at that time: I thought it might be of interest to
    post again.".PGNR.&OS=DN/20050009639&RS=DN/20050009639

    This is from the above site:

    The Dimple Pattern of the Cover

    [0088] Turning now to the dimple technology employed in the instant
    invention, as was discussed previously, the manipulation of the dimple
    configuration also yield a golf ball with improved characteristics of
    play. As stated previously, the preferred geometry is a
    rhombicosadodecahedron. Accordingly, the scope of this invention
    provides a golf ball mold whose molding surface contains a uniform
    pattern to give the golf ball a dimple configuration superior to those
    of the art. The invention is preferably described in terms of the golf
    ball that results from the mold, but could be described within the scope
    of this invention in terms of the mold structure that produces a golf ball.

    [0089] To assist in locating the dimples on the golf ball, the golf ball
    of this invention has its outer spherical surface partitioned by the
    projection of a plurality of polygonal configurations onto the outer
    surface. That is, the formation or division that results from a
    particular arrangement of different polygons on the outer surface of a
    golf ball is referred to herein as a "plurality of polygonal
    configurations." A view of one side of a golf ball 5 showing a preferred
    division of the golf ball's outer surface 7 is illustrated in FIG. 2.

    [0090] In the preferred embodiment, a polygonal configuration known as a
    rhombicosadodecahedron is projected onto the surface of a sphere. A
    rhombicosadodecahedron is a type of polyhedron which contains thirty
    (30) squares, twenty (20) polyhedra of one type, and twelve (12)
    polyhedra of another type. The term "rhombicosadodecahedron" is derived
    from "dodecahedron," meaning a twelve (12) sided polyhedron;
    "icosahedron," meaning a twenty (20) sided polyhedron, and "rhombus"
    meaning a four sided polyhedron.

    [0091] The rhombicosadodecahedron of the preferred embodiment is
    comprised of thirty (30) squares 12, twelve (12) pentagons 10, and
    twenty (20) triangles 14, as shown in FIG. 2. It has a uniform pattern
    of pentagons with each pentagon bounded by triangles and squares. The
    uniform pattern is achieved when each regular pentagon 10 has only
    regular squares 12 adjacent to its five boundary lines, and when a
    regular triangle 14 extends from each of the five vertices of the
    pentagon. Five (5) squares 12 and five (5) triangles 14 form a set of
    polygons around each pentagon. Two boundary lines of each square are
    common with two pentagon boundary lines, and each triangle has its
    vertices common with three pentagon vertices.

    [0092] The outer surface of the ball is further defined by a pair of
    poles and an uninterrupted equatorial great circle path around the
    surface. A great circle path is defined by the intersection between the
    spherical surface and a plane that passes through the center of the
    sphere. (An infinite number of great circle paths may be drawn on any
    sphere.) The uninterrupted equatorial great circle path in the preferred
    embodiment corresponds to a mold parting line, which separates the golf
    ball into two hemispheres. The uninterrupted great circle path is
    described as uninterrupted because it has no dimples on it. The mold
    parting line is located from the poles in substantially the same manner
    as the equator of the earth is located from the north and south poles.

    [0093] Referring to FIG. 3, the poles 70 are located at the center of a
    pentagon 10 on the top and bottom sides of the ball, as illustrated in
    this view of one such side. The mold parting line 30 is at the outer
    edge of the circle in this planar view of the golf ball. In the
    embodiment shown in FIG. 4, the poles 72 are both located at the center
    of the square on the top and bottom of the golf ball, as illustrated in
    this view of one such side. (The top and bottom views are identical.)
    The mold parting line 40 is at the outer edge of the circle in this
    planar view of the golf ball.

    [0094] Dimples are placed on the outer surface of the golf ball based on
    segments of the plurality of polygonal configurations described above.
    In the preferred embodiment, three (3) dimples are associated with each
    triangle, five (5) dimples are associated with each square, and sixteen
    (16) dimples are associated with each pentagon. The term "associated" as
    used herein in relation to the dimples and the polyhedra means that the
    polyhedra are used as a guide for placing the dimples.

    [0095] In the preferred embodiment, there are a total of 402 dimples.
    Advantageously, this decrease in the number of dimples when compared to
    prior art golf balls results in a geometrical configuration that
    contributes to the aerodynamic stability of the instant golf ball.
    Aerodynamic stability is reflected in greater control over the movement
    of the instant golf ball.

    [0096] The dimple configuration of the preferred embodiment is shown in
    FIGS. 5-8. It is based on the projection of the rhombicosadodecahedron
    shown in FIG. 3. The ball has a total of 402 dimples. The plurality of
    dimples on the surface of the ball are selected from three sets of
    dimples, with each set having different sized dimples. Dimples 200 are
    in the first set, dimples 202 are in the second set, and dimples 204 are
    in the third set. Dimples are selected from all three sets to form a
    first pattern associated with the pentagon 10. All sides 206 of each
    pentagon are intersected by two dimples 200 from the first set of
    dimples and one dimple 202 from the second set of dimples. All pentagons
    10 have the same general first pattern arrangement of dimples.

    [0097] Dimples 200, 202 and 204 (from all three sets of dimples) are
    also used to form a second pattern associated with the squares 12. All
    sides 208 of each square 12 are intersected by dimples 202 from the
    second set of dimples, and all squares have the same general second
    pattern arrangement of dimples.

    [0098] Dimples 202 from the second set of dimples form a third pattern
    associated with the triangles 14. All sides 210 of each triangle are
    intersected by a dimple 202 from this second set of dimples. All
    triangles have this same general third pattern arrangement of dimples.
    The mold parting line 30 is the only dimple free great circle path on
    this ball.

    [0099] Advantageously, the use of a single uninterrupted mold parting
    line leads to superior aerodynamic properties in the instant golf ball.
    The single mold parting line results in less severe separation between
    the dimples, i.e. less "bald spots" on the surface of the ball. This in
    turn increases the effectiveness of the dimples on the golf ball.
    Advantageously, increasing the effectiveness of the dimples by reducing
    the land area on the surface of the golf ball improves the aerodynamic
    properties of the instant golf ball with regard to distance and control.

    [0100] A single radius (Radius 1) describes the entire shape of the
    dimple. Dimple size is measured by a diameter and depth generally
    according to the teachings of U.S. Pat. No. 4,936,587 (the '587 patent),
    which is included herein by reference thereto. An exception to the
    teaching of the '587 patent is the measurement of the depth, which is
    discussed below. A cross-sectional view through a typical dimple 6 is
    illustrated in FIG. 9. The diameter Dd used herein is defined as the
    distance from edge E to edge F of the dimple. Edges are constructed in
    this cross-sectional view of the dimple by having a periphery 50 and a
    continuation thereof 51 of the dimple 6. The periphery and its
    continuation are substantially a smooth surface of a sphere. An arc 52
    is inset about 0.003 inches below curve 50-51-50 and intersects the
    dimple at point E' and F'. Tangents 53 and 53' are tangent to the dimple
    6 at points E' and F" respectively and intersect periphery continuation
    51 at edges E and F respectively. The exception to the teaching of '587
    noted above is that the depth d is defined herein to be the distance
    from the chord 55 between edges E an F of the dimple 6 to the deepest
    part of the dimple cross sectional surface 6(a), rather than a
    continuation of the periphery 51 of an outer surface 50 of the golf
    ball. In the preferred embodiment, dimples 200 from the first set have a
    diameter of 0.156 inches; dimples 202 from the second set have a
    diameter of 0.145 inches, and dimples 204 from the third set have a
    diameter of 0.142 inches. Dimples 200 have a depth of 0.0080 inches.
    Dimples 202 have a depth of 0.0078 inches. Dimples 204 have a depth of
    0.0076 inches. All dimples 200, 202, and 204 are single radius in cross

    [0101] Advantageously, the use of dimples that are single radius in
    cross section improves the performance of the instant golf ball with
    respect to both distance and control of the movement of the golf ball
    given the high spin rate of the instant high performance three-piece
    ball. The presence of single radius dimples allows for a soft trajectory
    in the golf ball's flight on iron shots. In turn, this soft trajectory
    leads to a soft entry of the golf ball onto the golf course green, which
    in turn results in greater control over the movement of the instant golf
    ball. Remarkably, the single radius provides a boring trajectory during
    driver shots.

    [0102] The radius (radius 1) for dimples 200 in the preferred embodiment
    is about 0.7874 inches, the radius for dimples 202 is about 0.3325
    inches, and the radius for dimples 204 is 0.3191 inches. However, it is
    understood that the following dimple size ranges are within the scope of
    this invention. Dimples 200 from the first set may have a diameter in
    the range of 0.154 inches to 0.158 inches; dimples 202 from the second
    set may have a diameter in the range of 0.142 to 0.147 inches; dimples
    204 from the third set may have a diameter in the range of 0.140 to
    0.144 inches and the radius may be in the range of 0.3150 to 0.3850 inches.
    Billy Hiebert, Mar 8, 2006
  11. abab

    Cliff Guest

    IOW Kludge & fudge the model based on guesses.
    LOL ...
    Cliff, Mar 8, 2006
  12. abab

    Heikki Leivo Guest

    Well, call it what you want, I call it "parametric modeling".

    Heikki Leivo, Mar 8, 2006

  13. Cliff, it's a really stupid idea to argue with these two guys (Heikki and
    Ed) about modeling. They are very good at what they do. Laughing at them is
    even stupider.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Mar 8, 2006
  14. abab

    Cliff Guest

    Jerry, they may be good at fudging & making pictures and/or
    using SolidWorks but I'm sorry --- I'm not otherwise impressed
    at this point on this topic..... (actual design of golf balls via
    measuring & fudging & etc. vs. .... or grasp of 3D geometry in
    general ....)
    My comments were on modeling issues and it would seem
    that uniform spacings of dimples on the surface of same are only
    possible for those with certain numbers of dimples and other
    types of spacings limited to certain other numbers.
    OTOH You can have fun teaching pigs to sing while flying, right <G>?
    Cliff, Mar 9, 2006
  15. abab

    Cliff Guest

    What part of measure & fudge was parametric from
    root geometric/mathematical/logical needs?
    I must have missed that bit .. <g>.

    Where's jb when you need him?
    Cliff, Mar 9, 2006
  16. abab

    Heikki Leivo Guest

    My comments were on modeling issues and it would seem
    Yeah... And while you were discussing modelling issues, the others were
    actually modeling the golf ball and solving those issues...

    If I remember it correctly, the very original question in this thread was
    how the modelling is actually done, in real life.

    Heikki Leivo, Mar 9, 2006
  17. abab

    Cliff Guest

    Some probably like to get it right. The first time. And know why
    it's right.
    Kludge, fudge, measure & copy is hardly good design OR engineering,
    though it may make sort-of pretty pictures.
    Cliff, Mar 9, 2006
  18. abab

    Heikki Leivo Guest

    Did you get it right, then? Did you even try it? Do you even use SW?
    The point was not to design a new, ultimate solution for golf ball dimple
    pattern, but just how to model one in practise.

    I must be a some kind of masochist to continue this stoopid head banging
    with some besserwisser...

    Heikki Leivo, Mar 9, 2006
  19. abab

    Cliff Guest

    Umm .. is it requred to use SW in order to begin to grasp the fairly
    simple problems involved?

    Just a guess but .. did you grasp my comments about primes &
    Platonic solids? Probably not.
    So "in practice" you measure things & kludge & fudge models til the
    pretty picture is, well, pretty (in your eyes)?

    Where's jb when you need him??
    You might learn a thing or two too <g>.
    Cliff, Mar 9, 2006
  20. abab

    TOP Guest


    Maybe we should have a modelilng challenge every month or so like Rob
    is doing with PhotoWorks? I might be willing to provide web space if
    you and Ed would be willing to help get us started.
    TOP, Mar 9, 2006
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