Simple drawing question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Muggs, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Hello All,

    I'm sure that there is a way to make a CL (centerline) note without just
    typing CL, but I am unaware of how to do it.

    A little help please!

    Muggs, Sep 8, 2006
  2. Muggs

    Krister_L Guest

    Annotation / Inserst symbol.... pick centerline
    Krister_L, Sep 8, 2006
  3. I think there is an extended ASCII character for that, but I haven't run
    across it yet.
    I'm not sure whether Swx or the OS determines which character set is active.

    bill allemann, Sep 8, 2006
  4. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Thanks Bill,

    I know that if I have a situation like Krister was talking about it's not a
    problem making the center line.

    But when I have a symmetrical part (maybe flat) I will try to include a
    center line to better indicate that the part is symmetrical. So yeah, I'm
    looking for the symbol.

    Let me know if you run accross it, Thanks,

    Muggs, Sep 8, 2006
  5. Based on your comments I'm not sure you realize what's available to you.
    Maybe so, but just in case...

    In your drawing, start a note (hotkey N for me...), click to place the note
    box, then look over in the PM box to find a section called Text Format.
    Click the button for Add Symbol, select the Modifying Symbols library if
    necessary, and then pick Centerline. At this point is inserts a centerline
    symbol into your note. Close the note by clicking outside of it and there
    you have it - a centerline note that you can copy and paste, position as you
    choose, etc.

    Did I miss the point here?

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 8, 2006
  6. Muggs

    Diego Guest

    ....and can the symbol be attached to the centerline without using an
    arrow? sort of the way you can align and group dimensions and notes?

    I haven't found a way to attach a note to a sketch or centerline the
    way we can with dims and notes, so that when dragging things around
    they stay together. Any ideas on that?

    Diego, Sep 8, 2006
  7. Muggs

    Muggs Guest


    lol! it even has a CL symbol on the button.
    I don't do a lot of drawings (obviously) so when I need to find something,
    that seems like a no brainer to most of you, I know it's there but I just
    can't find it.
    Give me a "swoopy" lofted part to deal with, or tell me to "make it
    friendlier" (that's my favorite), I don't have as much trouble with that

    Thanks Wayne, your the best.
    Muggs, Sep 8, 2006
  8. Hmm, I have never tried to capture it any more than make sure it's part of
    the proper view. I don't put an arrow on it or anything - just plop it
    down next to the centerline and then it moves if you move the view. I just
    tried to group it to the line - no go. I tried to snap it to the
    centerline - no go. Hmm, I'm out of ideas.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 8, 2006
  9. I debated not posting the obvious since I didn't want the appearance of
    calling you an idiot in case you really weren't and the failure was mine in
    not properly recognizing the problem. But I decided that was better than
    have you miss out. So, thus the post. You're welcome - my pleasure.

    (Oh, pet peeve - "you're" not "your"...hey, you know me................)


    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 8, 2006
  10. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    So, I'm still not clear. Are you calling me an idiot or not.
    Either fits depending on the day. ;>)


    Muggs, Sep 8, 2006
  11. Muggs

    Sam Guest

    To attach a note (also works for blocks) to an entity in a drawing so
    that when that entity moves the note also moves without using an
    arrow.... Place the note, attach the notes leader to the entity you
    want the note related too then in the Propery manager you can turn the
    leader off by clicking the button that shows a leader with the red X
    through it. This does not delete the leader it only hides it so that
    when that entity moves the note will also move and you can turn the
    leader back on if needed.

    I like using this trick when I have a note or block attached to the
    wrong drawing view so that when I move the "correct" drawing view the
    annotation or block does not move, just show the leader, attach the
    leader to an entity in the "correct" drawing view that you want the
    note attached too then turn the leader off. Now when you move the
    drawing view that annotation will move with that drawing view.

    Hope all that makes sense...

    Sam Steeley
    Sam, Sep 8, 2006
  12. (Wayne Tiffany has left the building before further incriminating himself.)

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 8, 2006
  13. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    I'm going to SWW this year and I"LL HUNT YOU DOWN!

    OK, enough of this OT.
    Have a great weekend everyone!


    Muggs, Sep 8, 2006
  14. I tried to attach the note leader upon creation of the note, but it wouldn't
    let me attach it to the centerline annotation. Guess it's not a proper

    Per your other example, in a case where I want it "over there", I will just
    create it in the view by which I want it to be controlled, then drag it to
    "over there." Seems a bit quicker with the same results.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 8, 2006
  15. Muggs

    Nev Williams Guest

    Then add this note to tour favourites so it can be readily inserted in
    Nev Williams, Sep 9, 2006
  16. Ahh, yes, that brings ups an ER of mine. We can have some handy buttons
    when we are working with dimensions, but not when we are working with notes.
    When you click on a dimension, you have several handy buttons that allow a
    single click to insert particular symbols - I have asked to have those
    available with notes also. If you agree, submit again.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 9, 2006
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