Simple Dialog Box

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jawknee99, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. Jawknee99

    Jawknee99 Guest

    I am trying to create a simple routine that strips xref paths.

    REDIR;*;; - works great

    But I need to verify that the user in fact wants to do this. I would like
    to create a simple dialog box that asks the user if he wants to do this and
    has an OK button (that runs REDIR;*;; ) and a cancel button (that issues

    I am lost with DCL.


    Jawknee99, Nov 16, 2004
  2. Jawknee99

    Jawknee99 Guest

    I am not sure what to expect but what happens is I get a DB that says "You
    don't want to play a game." and an OK button. In looking at your code it
    looks like there is more but I am not quite sure what went wrong.

    At any rate Wow, thanks for the help.

    Jawknee99, Nov 16, 2004
  3. Jawknee99

    Matt W Guest

    It doesn't do anything.
    You'll have to fill in the blanks so to speak.

    When you click the 'Yes' button, it should run your code, whatever it is
    that you put in there.
    When you click the 'No' button, it will just exit.

    If you need more help, let me know.
    Matt W, Nov 16, 2004
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