simpel line angle

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Poul, Sep 12, 2003.

  1. Poul

    Poul Guest

    Hello all
    I have a line in a unknown angle. How can I make a line from the end of
    that line in an angle of say 57 degrees to that line. If i use @100<57 the
    line comes out in 57 degrees to a horisontal line.
    I use acad ver. 14.01

    I hope you can help me.

    Poul, Sep 12, 2003
  2. Poul

    2h@rm Guest

    use the command ucs>object
    select the lin just drawn.
    then use @100<57

    2h@rm, Sep 12, 2003
  3. Poul

    2h@rm Guest

    be sure to select the line at the startpoint of the lin instead of the end
    point. Otherwise your ucs is rotated 180dg th wrong way

    2h@rm, Sep 12, 2003
  4. Poul

    Longshot Guest

    copy the existing line to @0,0
    rotate P or L (previous or last)
    pick point.. new vertex -->57

    Longshot, Sep 12, 2003
  5. Acad/Icad describes angles relative to the current UCS.
    If you want to draw 57 degrees from an angle other than zero in your current
    UCS, you have to change the UCS so that your first line's angle is zero.
    (UCS>E>Pick end of line near where you want the origin)
    It's not very easy to do repeatedly. If you want to draw this way a lot, you
    could write a lisp do help you.
    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 12, 2003
  6. Poul

    john Guest

    Copy the existing line in place. That is, pick any point for the
    "from" point and type "@" (without quotes) for the "to" point.
    Now "rotate" "last" by 57 (or -57).

    John B

    Put the "at" in the gap.
    john, Sep 12, 2003
  7. Poul

    Poul Guest

    Thanks for all the answers - now I wil try how they works.

    Poul, Sep 12, 2003
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