Similar to the Stumped Replacing Blocks.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rick Graham, Sep 16, 2003.

  1. Rick Graham

    Rick Graham Guest

    Hi all, I have a similar question, but I started a new thread so I can keep
    track of it! :)

    I have a block with attributes defined. One part of the block needs to be
    modified (not the attributes).

    Is there a command, trick or otherwise that I am missing or something out
    there (lisp) that will accomplish the following:

    1. Pick the block
    2. The block is temporarily exploded but the attributes are not
    3. change the features you wish to change
    4. Press enter to close out of the command
    5. The block is put back to one entity with the saved changes and the
    attributes remain unaltered.

    Thanks in advance.

    Rick Graham, Sep 16, 2003
  2. If the block is going to have a universal change to it:
    1. Wblock it out, or modify the existing based on your needs
    2. Modify the block.
    3. Insert the block - when you insert it the program should ask if you want
    to redefine the block, tell it "yes" then hit escape.
    This should update all the unexploded (is that a word) blocks.
    Matt Vozzella, Sep 16, 2003

    -- ruul
    ruul morawetz, Sep 16, 2003
  4. Rick Graham

    Rick Graham Guest

    Thanks all,


    The reason for my need is that we changed our phone number and website here at work. I have several projects going right now that have our titleblock with the old one. The phone and website are just part of the block; the drawing number, name,, etc. is the part that is in attributes. I have approx. 75 sheets to make this change to, so I was looking for a streamlined approach. I will try the Wblock method mentioned.


    Thanks again,



    "ruul morawetz" <> wrote in message news:...


    -- ruul
    Rick Graham, Sep 16, 2003
  5. Rick Graham

    Walt Engle Guest

    Ah, the reason for not putting addresses and phone numbers in title
    Since you have to work on all 75+ dwgs anyway, merely change the title
    block in the first dwg. Then use "Edit", "Copy with basepoint" (using
    the bottom-right corner) and window the entire title block. This will
    put it on the clipboard. Save the dwg.
    Open each dwg, delete the title block and paste (not as a block) to the
    bottom-right corner and save. Once all this has been done, you can
    change the original title block as required.
    Walt Engle, Sep 16, 2003
  6. Rick Graham

    Rick Graham Guest


    My hands were tied on that one. The bosses (who sign my check) want it that

    We need a new newsgroup: Boss-deprogramming :)

    Rick Graham, Sep 16, 2003
  7. Rick Graham

    Walt Engle Guest

    Well, another lesson for some that won't be absorbed (not you). I still
    suggest using "Edit", "copy with basepoint" and pasting. Quicker, simpler and
    will do the job.
    Walt Engle, Sep 16, 2003
  8. If it is a single named block, I think cutting and pasting isn't the way to
    go. If you get cruising, and you have to go and erase or modify multiple
    objects it increases the chance for error. I'm not saying that it can not
    be done, or that it would be faster - only safer. When I pass down work for
    others to do - I don't necessarily tell them how I do it, only how to do it.
    Matt Vozzella, Sep 16, 2003
  9. Rick Graham

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Redefine the block in one drawing then WBLOCK it to the current directory (or one in the path) using the "block" method and naming it the same as the block.

    Then open each file and:


    When asked if you wish to redefine the block say YES.
    When asked for the insertion point hit escape.

    If you're handy with lisp or scripts you can automate the proceedure.
    OLD-CADaver, Sep 16, 2003
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